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Workflow - SOX Report

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All the tasks executed from the begining of the workflow till it gets completed, who is the agent executed each task.

Is this information available in any workflow tables/ tcodes?

I have couple of workflows in my system. A audit report is needed for each workflow with the above details. Any inputs will be appreciated.

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Hi Indira.

If you don't have any specific probably you can use standard transactions: SWI2_DURA - Information on the processing duration of work items of the specified type or for the specified tasks, whose processing ended in the period

SWI5 - To establish the workload of individual organizational objects (users, positions, jobs, work centers or organizational units) by look into the past ("completed since..."), the future ("to be processed by...")

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If i check the table entry in swwwihead based on wi_id i don't have a agentid filled for workitems which are in status 'ready' ,because they are not processed by an agent.

SWI5 is listing the workitems based on agent.

Would like to find the agents for all the workitems which are in status 'Ready'.

Any inputs will be appreciated.



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If you are using a custom development , you can try this FM: <b>SWW_WI_AGENTS_READ</b>

Hope this helps.


Akshay Bhagwat

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If you need to have this information with some structure (e.g. in chronological order per workflow instance) then the function module SWP_WORKFLOW_LOG_READ may help you. It returns all the SWWWIHEAD information and some additional information.

Message was edited by:

Kjetil Kilhavn

PS: it isn't released for customer use, and the function module is at least available in 4.6C, but I don't know which version you are on.

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Hi Indira,

instead of looking for tables you can check the function 'SAP_WAPI_WORKITEMS_BY_FREQUENC' .

With this function you can look for the tasks' istances executed in a time range defined and if I don't mistake in the output table 'worklist' you should find the info you need.



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Check the table <b>SWWWIHEAD</b> for getting the Agent of the workitem.


<i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>