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workflow sizing

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Hello all.

Do anybody know how I can perform sizing for workflow operations?


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Hi Elena

As far i know Sizing comes in picture of landscape of EP or with Server migration There is no workflow part is dealing with sizing. Sizing will be mostly taken care by the BASIS. So i think u need to worry about it.



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Hi. Thank you for the answer, but I need concrete information about how I can sizing the changing in the using of CPU, memory and disk space at the average after we begin to use workflow proccesses in our system? How do workflow proccesses decrease the capacity of the system? And what value can we add to indices of CPU, memory and disk space (getting after sizing for whole ERP system) to be fully confident that these facilities will guarantee us the normal performance of the system after starting workflow proccesses?

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As far I know, there are no special requirements for WF execution in terms of sizing. As long as your are able to execute any transaction, it should suffice it.

Regards, IA

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Hi Elena,

There are two parts to this:

Firstly: What are the operations carried out by workflow and how does that compare with non-workflow scenarios. Consider a simple setup of PO release. If you release 5000 POs in a week, you would do so using ME54 or a background job without workflow. With workflow, you would still release 5000 POs, although this will be done in a background step. So most of what workflow 'does' should already be factored into your sizing as part of a business process.

Secondly, the workflow system/process itself will take some resources. It can have an impact if you are a heavy workflow user in relation to the overall transaction volume in your system. i.e. if workflows are involved in every single shipment you make and other high-volume scenarios.

Thirdly (I lied about 'two parts'), the number of people using workflow may have an impact. e.g. if you have 20,000 users accessing the UWL daily. But there again it should be factored into other metrics.

Bottom line: Unless you're planning to implement some major high-volume workflows I wouldn't worry about it.



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Very interesting to hear first time about sizing

can you please let us know what exactly sizing of workflow means

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Moved to Workflow forum



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