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Workflow - Position Assignment to the Step

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I have a workflow and I have assigned a particular position as an agent for the step in the workflow builder. This is in DEV environment.

But when I move this workflow to QAS (quality) environment that position is not available (since the position from DEV is not transportable). There is similar position available here, but the position number is different. So the workflow gives a runtime error.

Is there any way to handle this or do I need to have workflow opened in the change mode in QAS and change the position?



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Active Contributor
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Hi Sandeep,

If you do not transport your org structure from DEV to PRD, then avoid assigning positions and org units directly to WF tasks for that very reason. My opinion is to avoid it alltogether.

Some options are:

1. If you leave the agent assignment blank, WF will send the task to all possible agents. Thus assign your position as Possible Agent on the task. This is client-dependent and you can maintain it in PRD.

2. As above, but use a task group for all tasks for a position/org unit, and do the assignment to the TG rather than the individual tasks.

3. Create a 'meta rule' with responsibilities based on a text field. In your binding, bind an arbitrary hardcoded value (e.g. "PRODUCTAPPROVER") to the rule, and create a responsibility for "PRODUCTAPPROVER". This way you can have many different tasks' agent assignments maintainable in one central rule using OOCU_RESP.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the response and your inputs.

I was thinking on similar grounds to create a rule with responsibility and pass the some hardcoded value from the step which can be used to determine position. As you have said I can then use transaction OOCU_RESP to maintain the rule and assign relevant org unit or position.

But the only problem is I can assign this with all the workflow steps but "SEND EMAIL" step, which doesn't have option to assign a rule(4.6C).

I think the only other option is to have some empty step (which will accept the role in the agent determination field) and use the "Notification of Completion" of that step to send as an email?

Do you agree or is there any way I can assign a rule to "SEND EMAIL" step? Thanks again!



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Notification requires you to enter a notification agent, no rule possible. Later versions won't let you send mail to a rule either. this

Are you sending SAP mail or internet mail?

I would do one of:

- Write a method to process the rule in a separate step (FM RH_GET_ACTORS) and pass that onto a sendmail step. There's a bit more info in on how to do this.

- send mail to a distribution list (but extra maintenance). If applicable, this could even be a distribution list / group address on your company email system - so your WF would send to

Oh, by the by, instead of a send mail step I prefer to create a task based on SELFITEM.SENDTASKDESCRIPTION directly. You can do the recipient assignment in the binding which is not as user friendly but more flexible than that mail step editor (and it doesn't cut your text or word wrap at strange places...).

Hope that helps.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

RH_GET_ACTORS solved my problem. I created a method based on this and then created a task in my workflow definition to evaluate the rule. I used the result as an agent for the EMAIL step.

Thanks for the help. I really appreciate your help!



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I have a related problem. I have deadline monitoring on a task and I'm using rule 168 (Superior as user) to determine who gets the deadline message.

The problem is that if you don't specify an agent in the task, and leave it to possible agents, then the rule doesn't resolve correctly and no-one gets the deadline message.

Any help on this one?

Thanks and regards,
