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Workflow Notification with Java Mail

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(On an EP6 SP11 System with both Portal and CM Patch 3)

I am trying to configure when a task is completed in the UWL that the Assigner is notified through email. When creating a task I select that a Notification be sent on Completion. And I have set up the Workflow Engine and Mail according to

Whenever I create and complete a task though no email is sent. The help file says the Host name has to be a single mail server that handles both incoming and outgoing mail. We have seperate servers for incoming and outgoing so I have set up the host as the outgoing SMTP server.

Any idea how I can set this up so it will work? Points will be given for helpful answers.

Thank you and let me know if you need any more information

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Former Member
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Hi Michel,

Simple question, Have you configured java mail ? I mean, if you want to send an email from Portal, is it working ? using send to option, could you send an email ?

First, you check if you can do that, then we can analyze

the other problem.


Former Member
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No we have not configured a mail transport, so like you said if we open a User's Details and press Send Email it will not work, due to security issues we are unable to Configure the Lotus Domino Servers correctly for it to work within the portal.

We were under the impression that the Workflow Notification would work with only configuing the JavaMail in System Administration -> System Configuration -> Universal Worklist and Workflow -> Workflow -> Engine & Mail

Is this wrong to assume? Do we need to have the other transport configured correctly first?

Thank you

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My advice is that you first configure JavaMail and work using that. It's very simple.

Read this material:


Former Member
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Thanks for the info, I did everything it said and we get the following error when we go into a User Details and press Send Email.

"The e-mail server could not be reached when the system was trying to send the message."

We can ping our email server and it is up and running. I am starting to wonder if because of all the Security settings here if that is why we are unable to connect.

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In order to analyse, try to do:

telnet smtp_server 25

You should be able to connect.

On the other hand,

Have you configure in:


Content Management



your email channel ?


Former Member
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The EMail channel is set up with the same SMTP server as the JavaMail.

Whenever I try to connect through telnet smtp_server 25 it does say it cant be reached, but when I telnet 25 it connects with this at the top:

220 ESMTP Postfix (Postfix-20010228-pl08)

Former Member
0 Kudos

ok Michael, you dont't have problem to connect to mail server. It's good.

When you configured your email channel, have you entered your user and password ?

if your answer is yes, modify this configuration: delete your user and password and try again.


Former Member
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No user name and password has been entered. I just did a quick search on Telnet to get the info on commands within Telnet when connected to the SMTP server and it seems like everyone stresses to restart the server.

Again due to security we dont have root access so we are unable to restart the server, I will put in the request and hopefully get back to you if it works or not.

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Still getting the Server cant be reached errors... Here is a recap of everything that I have configured to see if I might be missing something...

Utilities -> Channels -> Email Channel:


Type: SMTP

User and Password: Blank


Collaboration -> Groupware Transport -> Mail Transport

SMTP Server:

Sent Items Folder: Sent Items

System Alias Name: JavaMail

JavaMail System has been created in the Collaboration folder like the earlier help page said to do

I also logged into Telnet and was able to send a message from the EMail that my Portal Username has.

Message was edited by: Michael Smith

Former Member
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I know which is your problem, please in User Administration\Users set your email.


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I forgot, if you continue having this error:

"The e-mail server could not be reached when the system was trying to send the message"

Also it is possible, that mail server is not able to receive mail from this mail account. Speak with the Mail Administrator in order to solve this issue.


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You mean Modify User and then set the EMail address? That is one of the required fields to create a user so it has already been set. And the User that I am trying to send from has the same EMail address in his profile as I used to send an email from within Telnet.

Maybe I have just misunderstood where you want me to set the email...

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You are right, is mandatory this field.

You know, I had this problem, in my case the problem was that mail server could not receive mail from this mail-account. Try to speak with Administrator in order to check it.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for all your help, this could be an outgoing mail server only I will have to ask and find out what our alternatives are.

Thanks again

If anyone else has any suggestions please let me know... Points will still be awarded

Message was edited by: Michael Smith