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Workflow Executed But no message in Sbwp.

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Need small information, I was started New small workflow At swdd, After that i was executed.

I hope no error messages , then message was came Task Started under work item id .

But if i see the Receipt inbox in Sbwp , There is no message in Workflow Inbox.

If i check the Status of the workflow in Swi1 , then it is saying that  Read or in Process.

Please have a look on attached Images. Is there any configuration is missing in My system. At Swu3 Please Update me.

Need your valuable suggestions.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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1. - Configure RFC Destination is must

2. - Maybe user is not assigned to the task, as it says - No agent. Refer below screenshot

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Hi, Thanks for your reply.

2)User already assigned.

May i know-> Rfc is the problem.

Can You  please tell me Along with Rfc ,Which others should i Enabled.

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  RFC destination is mandaotory for workflow. Other than that execute  the General task and background jobs which is optional.  But it will be needed to smooth operation of workflow benefits.

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Ok I will check it.

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Rest are all ok-not a mandate if a non-testing/non-production environment.

All workflow tasks are executed by a user(WF-BATCH) which has complete system access(SAP_ALL), so that it never fails at all.

On the other hand the tasks are executed as RFC by this user. unlike normal background tasks. Here in RFC destination we define a loop-back RFC pointing to the same system and client.

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Thanks you Rfc Destination is the problem.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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There may be no agent for your decision task. For testing use workflow initiator as agent.

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Yes, Initially  i was assigned Workflow Initiator only. then manually i was assigned the user.

like user123, this person is a initiator, means me only

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Check if user123 exits in tcode SU01.

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This is My user only.........It is available.