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Former Member
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hello guys

I am reading SAP material about Reporting.....

in which realtime situations,do we use workbooks.....?

Can anyone give example of somequeries and workbooks together...?

thank you....



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Former Member
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Workbooks contain the Formatted Query Outputs, they contain Active Link for the Queries that are embedded into them. Through this Active Link it traces all the Technical changes made to the queries when we refresh the work book it gives the Output of changes done with Query.

In real time the User Roles are assigned with the Work books with the relevant queries, to make sure that we are restricting the Data set which is not supposed to be available for the Unauthorized Users. Most probably the Financial Queries will be Restricted with Roles by giving them Work books with required set of result output. would be the best source to see the work books.

Hope it helps

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
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Queries are the technical definition that you create using chars and KFs based off an InfoProvider. When this query is executed, it is embedded into a workbook.

The workbooks can be saved on the BW server and they contain an active link to the query that allows you to refresh them and navigate throught them.

You can insert more than one query in a workbook and apply special formatting too.

look into this....


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Workbooks are just formatted versions of your queries.

As addition you can do references,include graphs,do VB coding etc in workbooks.

For eg : Try installing some BI contents of workbooks and queries.