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while loading from DSO to Cube transfererr records 100 and added 0 records

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HI Experts,

I am fancing a problem while loading the data from DSO to Cube with transfererr records 100 and added 0 records. we have 5 layers on the top layer for reporting, Initial Layer DSO ->Cube>DSO--->Here I am getting problem --->Cube.

Thank you in Advance



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Former Member
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Hi Samba,

Please chaeck settings of the DTP -

Is it loading from "Change Log" of DSO

OR "Active table" of DSO.

May be this would help.


Former Member
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Thank you all the guys

Somebody has changed the Source System ID...That is the reason behind it and it is resolved by changing Source System


Samba Reddy

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Dear Samba Siva Reddy,

As far as i understood ur facing an issues in 3.5 version that when loading to Cube from DSO is having problem.

1) have u checked any records from last delta has changed or not, if so u can expect 0 records to be loaded to cube.

2) did u check the info-package that loads from DSO to cube has got any restrictions?

3)Did you also check that is there any field level routine has been present ( not the start routine to be checked as u clarified for same), may be on any field they have kept some routines or code.

Thanks and Kind Regards,


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My approach will be as follows

1 - Check in the query to see if the results are as you expect them, if the results of the query (after the data load) are as expected then do not waste your time on it as it simply means that none of the records have changed. (I would double check this with Data in the PSA and the data in the DSO before loading the request)

2 - If the results are not as expected then I would check the DSO Key fields, maybe you need to change the Key Fields (i.e. Add another Key Field) so that the Records are unique.

3 - If you are sure that the Key Fields are correct and the records are as unique as required, then I would check to see if your Key Figures are set to "Addition" or "Overwrite" as that would have an effect on the accuracy of the result..

My bet is on number 2.

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Check your transformation between DSO and CUBE, you will find some routine and check it whether you are filtering records based on any condition. Check change log table of DSO once.



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Hi Sambha Siva Reddy ,

ru running the full load r delta load i want to know that one, and if ur running delta load means 1st time all the records i mean 100 will add and then ur running the same delta load once again means 100 records will transfer but 0 records will add the reason was there is no changes r there is no new records ......

I think its needfull to u........


Ravindra Reddy

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I have checked the routine, no problem with the routines. Actually It was loading daily, it was loading correctly adding the number of records to fact table. Since 2 days I have been getting problem.



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HI Sambha siva reddy ,

i think ur getting the problem in between Cube to DSO rt? if its yes means once check the DTP monitoring in between CUBE to DSO (i.e DTP Monitoring details tab) .

and ur trying from cube to dso there is any changed records means in dso it overrites ....



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Hi Ravindra,

We are doing daily full.



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I am getting a problem with DSO to Cube, and we are in 3.5.



Former Member
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Hi Sambha Siva Reddy ,

Still now i thought ur using BI ok anyway could u please check the infopackage in between ODS to Cube .

Infopackage -->update tab --->full or delta .if its delta means ur loading daily full from source so from last two days onwards u dont have any new records r changed records so it will show only zero records in cube ....



Former Member
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Dear Samba,

Looks like you are working directly on the production system, any ways from your information i can understnad that the data is loaded to the infocube properly so there should be smoe filter criteria or tablespace(basis issue) involved, try loading the data again and get back to us..

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I really did not understand your architecture, about loading data from Cube to DSO and again to Cube.

Initial Layer DSO ->Cube>DSO--->Here I am getting problem --->Cube

But if your records are getting filtered then check if you have written any Start or End routine and if any validations are done then debug your code and check where the records are getting filtered.

If there is no code written then from detail tab of monitor check at which step records are getting filtered.



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most obvious : check if there are selection criteria, check if there are routines with delete statements

in the monitor you can see in the package details, where the number of records is set to 0. this should help you localizing the spot.


Former Member
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Check your codes (Start routine/ field routine) or DTP filters.

Also check if the mapping is done correctly.

Try de-bugging while loading data.