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Where to write code in SAP Work flow

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Hello Gurus,

I am new to SAP work flow. Currently i am working on one scenario. I want to send a mail on creation of a material in MM01.

I create work flow for this, but now i want, " Every creator of material has a supervisor, i need, if a user create a material then mail should go to his supervisor.

I have a ztable to maintain user and his supervisor. EX: EMPUID SUP_MAIL. i need to fetch supervisor mail id based on creator user id.

Hope you get my scenario.

<h2> I am not able to understand where i have to write code to fetch sup_mail value and pass it to container. </h2>

Kindly suggest.

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As stated above, you program in the class (SE24) or business object (SWO1).

It can either be a method or, preferably (if itmakes sense), an attribute.


Rick Bakker

hanabi technology