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Where can I get an SQL Anywhere 17 install file?


Hi, we have 2 terminal servers that already have this installed and all working fine. We have created a new server and are in the process of installing all the programs. The one program we can't install (Don't know where the install file is, and the support company is no longer around) is SQL Anywhere 17.

Could someone help me please?

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0 Kudos

Hi, thank you for that but this is a trial? Won't it expire soon and we'll be stuck again?

0 Kudos

If you have a license key you can use the license key. You'll get an email with a developer license key and that won't expire. You can't use the developers key for production then you should fill in the license key.

0 Kudos

Check the docs for dblic.exe, for instructions on how to apply your key.

0 Kudos

I've managed the find the install file now but I've got as far as they registration key (which I don't have). I've searched all over. Is there a way to extract it from one of our working servers?

0 Kudos

Go to the install folder that contains the dbsrv17.lic. For example "C:\\Program Files\\SQL Anywhere 17\\Bin64" then open the command prompt in that folder and run dblic dbsrv17.

This should give the details of the existing license

0 Kudos

You, my friend, are a genuis. Thank you so much!!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

When you say "the support company is no longer around", I assume that you are referring to some OEM vendor. I can assure you that SQL Anywhere continues to be developed, maintained, and supported by SAP.

0 Kudos

Sorry yes, I meant the provider of our software that utilizes SQL Anywhere