on 2012 Aug 02 5:44 AM
HI All,
when I try to load the data from R/3 to BI, I am getting the shortdump.
below is shotdump,pleae any one help to solve this issue.
Category ABAP Programming Error
Application Component BC-MID-ALE
Date and Time 01.08.2012 07:23:36
Short text
Access using NULL object reference is not possible.
What happened?
Error in the ABAP application program.
The current ABAP program "SAPLEDI7" had to be interrupted because it contains
a statement that cannot be executed.
What can you do?
Take note of the actions and inputs that lead to the error.
Contact your SAP administrator for further processing of the problem.
Using transaction ST22 for ABAP short dump analysis you can see and
administrate termination messages and retain them for a longer period.
Error analysis
You are trying to access a component (variable: " ") with a NULL
object reference.
An object reference must point to an object (instance or class) before
you can use it to access components. Either the reference has not been
set yet or it has been set to NULL using a CLEAR statement.
a CLEAR statement.
to correct the error
You may able to find an interim solution to the problem
in the SAP note system. If you have access to the note system yourself,
please use the following search criteria:
"SAPLEDI7" bzw. "LEDI7F12"
If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the
following documents to SAP:
1. A hard copy print describing the problem (short dump).
To obtain this, select "System->List->Save->Local File (unconverted)"
on the current screen.
2. A suitable hardcopy printout of the system log.
To obtain this, call the system log with Transaction SM21
and set the time interval to 10 minutes before and 5 minutes after
the short dump. In the display choose "System->List->Save->
Local File (unconverted)"
3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
supply the source code.
To do this, choose "More Utilities->Upload/Download->Download" in the
4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
or which actions and input led to the error.
em environment
SAP Release..... 730
SAP Basis Level. 0000
Application server... "dedarlvs001"
Network address...... ""
Operating system..... "Linux"
Release.............. "2.6.18-238.el5"
Hardware type........ "x86_64"
Character length.... 16 Bits
Pointer length....... 64 Bits
Work process number.. 1
Shortdump setting.... "full"
Database server... "dedarlvs001"
Database type..... "ADABAS D"
Database name..... "XS2"
Database user ID.. "SAPXS2"
Terminal.......... "MYKULWN005465"
Char.set.... "C"
SAP kernel....... 720
created (date)... "Oct 19 2010 19:19:44"
create on........ "Linux GNU SLES-9 x86_64 cc4.1.2 use-pr100217"
Patch text.. " "
Database............. "MaxDB 7.7, MaxDB 7.8"
SAP database version. 720
Operating system..... "Linux 2.6"
Memory consumption
Roll.... 0
EM...... 4189808
Heap.... 0
Page.... 0
MM Used. 2398128
MM Free. 1789040
er and Transaction
Client.............. 800
User................ "PKONDAKA"
Language key........ "E"
Transaction......... " "
Transaction ID...... "501169B6799358A8E100000002942AAD"
EPP Whole Context ID.... "00505691000C1ED1B6F2B5E7570E44
EPP Connection ID....... "5014FAFD97A058B0E100000002942A
EPP Caller Counter...... 3
Program............. "SAPLEDI7"
Screen.............. "SAPMSSY1 3004"
Screen Line......... 2
Debugger Active..... "none"
Server-Side Connection Information
Information on caller of Remote Function Call (RFC):
System.............. "XS2"
Installation number 0020561791
Database release... 730
Kernel release...... 720
Connection type 3 (2=R/2, 3=ABAP system, E=external, R=reg. external)
Call type.......... "synchronous and transactional type T (emode 0, imode 0)"
Inbound TID.........." "
Inbound queue name..." "
Outbound TID........."02942AAD58BD5018BD5508B5"
Outbound queue name.." "
Client#............. 800
Transaction......... " "
Call program........."SAPLERFC"
Function module "ARFC_DEST_SHIP"
Call destination.. "NONE"
Source server....... "dedarlvs001_XS2_32"
Source IP address ""
Additional information on RFC logon:
Trusted relationship." "
Logon return code....0
Trusted teturn code..0
- For Releases < 4.0, information on the RFC caller is not available.
- The installation number is provided from Release > 700
Transaction......... " "
Call Program........."SAPLERFC"
Function Module..... "ARFC_DEST_SHIP"
Call Destination.... "NONE"
Source Server....... "dedarlvs001_XS2_32"
Source IP Address... ""
Additional information on RFC logon:
Trusted Relationship " "
Logon Return Code... 0
Trusted Return Code. 0
- For Releases < 4.0, information on the RFC caller not available.
- The installation number is available from caller Release > 700
formation on where terminated
Termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLEDI7" - in "SEND_DATA_TO_R3".
The main program was "SAPMSSY1 ".
In the source code you have the termination point in line 478
of the (Include) program "LEDI7F12".
urce Code Extract
Line SourceCde
448 exporting langu = ' '
449 importing truncation_flag = t
450 changing cont = conv_edidd40-sdata ).
451 modify conv_edidd40.
452 endloop.
453 endif.
454 if use_qrfcvers eq 'Y'.
455 TRY.
456 dest_name = edipoa-logdes.
457 act_destination = cl_bgrfc_destination_outbound=>create( dest_name ).
458 catch cx_bgrfc_invalid_destination.
459 use_qrfcvers = 'N'.
461 endif.
462 if use_qrfcvers eq 'Y'.
463 TRY.
464 act_unit = act_destination->create_trfc_unit( ).
465 CATCH cx_bgrfc_invalid_destination.
466 use_qrfcvers = 'N'.
468 endif.
469 if use_qrfcvers eq 'N'.
472 AS SEPARATE UNIT " eine TID pro Ruf
477 else.
>>>> act_unit_id = act_unit->unit_id.
479 "Sicher stellen, dass alle IDocs vom gleichen Absender!!!
480 read table ext_edidc_40 index 1 into act_edidc_40.
481 loop at ext_edidc_40 where sndprn ne act_edidc_40-sndprn
482 or sndprt ne act_edidc_40-sndprt
483 or sndpfc ne act_edidc_40-sndpfc.
484 exit.
485 endloop.
486 if sy-subrc eq 0. "es müssen mehrere Pakete gepackt werden
487 unit_tabix = 0.
488 do.
489 unit_tabix = unit_tabix + 1.
490 read table ext_edidc_40 index 1 into act_edidc_40.
491 if sy-subrc ne 0.
492 exit.
493 else.
494 refresh i_edidc_40.
495 clear i_edidc_40.
496 refresh i_edidd_40.
497 clear i_edidd_40.
Thank in advance.
Hi Preddy,
477 else.
>>>> act_unit_id = act_unit->unit_id.
479 "Sicher stellen, dass alle IDocs vom gleichen Absender!!!
The line 478 got error.Becoz here the object act_unit is calling some other object,but these objcet are not assigned to any other class or instance.This is OOABAP.
Before using the object we need to assign that object to corresponding class or instance.
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I ran into the exact issue and was able to resolve it by applying SAP note 1494539.
Hope that help somebody that will find out this thread but could not find an answer like me.
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