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What would cause long delay after final checkpoint?


What would cause a 10 minute delay between the last "Finished checkpoint" message and the subsequent "Database server stopped"?

I. 12/05 13:49:32. Finished checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Sat Dec 05 2020 13:49
I. 12/05 13:59:13. Database server stopped at Sat Dec 05 2020 13:59

As far as I can tell, dbsrv17.exe was pounding the *.db file for the whole time... is it possible the last "Finished checkpoint" message is sent long before the disk I/O is complete?

Here's more of the log...

I. 11/26 11:14:26. SQL Anywhere Network Server Version
I. 11/26 11:14:26. Running Windows 10 Build 18362  on X86_64
I. 11/26 11:14:26. Server built for X86_64 processor architecture
I. 11/26 11:14:26. 4192032K of memory used for caching
I. 11/26 11:14:26. Minimum cache size: 4187960K, maximum cache size: 8363632K
I. 11/26 11:14:26. Using a maximum page size of 8192 bytes
I. 11/26 11:14:26. Multiprogramming level: minimum:8, current:220, maximum:880
I. 11/26 11:14:26. Automatic tuning of multiprogramming level is disabled
I. 11/26 11:14:26. Starting database "f" (C:\\ProgramData\\RisingRoad\\Foxhound5\\foxhound5.db) 
   at Thu Nov 26 2020 11:14
I. 11/26 11:14:27. Performance warning: Database file 
   "C:\\ProgramData\\RisingRoad\\Foxhound5\\foxhound5.db" consists of 148 disk fragments
I. 11/26 11:14:27. Transaction log: foxhound5.log
I. 11/26 11:14:28. Starting checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Thu Nov 26 2020 11:14
I. 11/26 11:14:28. Finished checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Thu Nov 26 2020 11:14
I. 11/26 11:14:28. Database "f" (foxhound5.db) started at Thu Nov 26 2020 11:14
I. 11/26 11:14:28. Database server started at Thu Nov 26 2020 11:14
I. 11/26 11:14:28. Trying to start SharedMemory link ...
I. 11/26 11:14:28.     SharedMemory link started successfully
I. 11/26 11:14:28. Trying to start TCPIP link ...
I. 11/26 11:14:28. Starting on port 49152
I. 11/26 11:14:33.     TCPIP link started successfully
I. 11/26 11:14:33. HTTP listener starting on port 80
I. 11/26 11:14:33. Now accepting requests
I. 11/26 11:14:35. ---------------------------------------
I. 11/26 11:14:35. Foxhound Version 5.0 by RisingRoad - Extended Edition 5.0.5500a 
   built at 2020 11 07 14:32 
   in a SQL Anywhere database created at 2020 11 07 14:32
I. 11/26 11:14:35. ---------------------------------------
I. 11/26 11:14:37. No patches were processed.
I. 11/26 11:14:49. Foxhound folder: C:\\ProgramData\\RisingRoad\\Foxhound5
I. 11/26 11:14:49. Foxhound command line: "C:\\Program Files\\SQL Anywhere 17\\Bin64\\dbsrv17.exe" 
   -c 25p -ch 50p -cr- -gk all -gl all -gn 220 -gna 0 -m -n foxhound5 -o foxhound5_debug.txt 
   -oe foxhound5_debug_startup.txt -on 1M -sb 0 -ufd restart -x tcpip -xd 
   -xs http(port=80;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) foxhound5.db -n f "-hn0,60368:512"
I. 11/26 11:14:49. Foxhound server name: foxhound5
I. 11/26 11:14:49. Foxhound database name: f
I. 11/26 11:14:49. Foxhound Windows API support DLL: rroad5_sa17_bin64.dll
I. 11/26 11:14:49. SQL Anywhere startup time: 6.7s
I. 11/26 11:14:49. Foxhound startup time: 16.3s
I. 11/26 11:14:49. Total startup time: 23s
I. 11/26 11:14:49. Foxhound now accepting requests.
I. 11/26 11:41:33. Starting checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Thu Nov 26 2020 11:41
I. 11/26 11:41:35. Finished checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Thu Nov 26 2020 11:41
I. 12/05 13:28:04. Starting checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Sat Dec 05 2020 13:28
I. 12/05 13:28:06. Finished checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Sat Dec 05 2020 13:28
I. 12/05 13:49:20. Database server shutdown requested by DBSTOP
W. 12/05 13:49:22. TCPIP listener on IP address is exiting
W. 12/05 13:49:22. HTTP listener on IP address (::):80 is exiting
W. 12/05 13:49:22. HTTP listener on IP address is exiting
W. 12/05 13:49:22. TCPIP listener on IP address (::):49152 is exiting
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_main_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:27. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:28. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:28. Statement interrupted by user
E. 12/05 13:49:28. Statement interrupted by user
I. 12/05 13:49:30. Starting checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Sat Dec 05 2020 13:49
I. 12/05 13:49:32. Finished checkpoint of "f" (foxhound5.db) at Sat Dec 05 2020 13:49
I. 12/05 13:59:13. Database server stopped at Sat Dec 05 2020 13:59
0 Kudos

FWIW, here's a similar case with a v16 ( database shutdown via the Windows Service utitliy - log is in German but the pattern is similar: There's also a 6 minute delay between last checkpoint and shutdown:

I. 04.12 08:15:01. Herunterfahren des Datenbankservers über Server-Konsole angefordert
W. 04.12 08:15:03. TCPIP-Listener an IP-Adresse (::):2638 wird beendet
W. 04.12 08:15:03. TCPIP-Listener an IP-Adresse wird beendet
E. 04.12 08:15:08. Verarbeitungsroutine für Ereignis 'EV_...' bewirkte SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 04.12 08:15:08. Anweisung vom Benutzer unterbrochen
I. 04.12 08:15:09. Start des Checkpoints von "A..." (A.db) am/um Freitag, 04. Dezember 2020 08:15
I. 04.12 08:15:09. Checkpoint von "A..." (A.db) fertig gestellt um Freitag, 04. Dezember 2020 08:15
I. 04.12 08:21:19. Datenbankserver gestoppt am/um Freitag, 04. Dezember 2020 08:21.

From what I can tell, that database server usually shuts down way faster, usually the "Database server stopped" is within seconds after the final checkpoint.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


In recent versions of the database server ( or later), the -z option causes a lot more shutdown messages to appear in the server log. I realize the horse has already left the barn, but for the future, this may be a useful thing to enable. This enhancement should appear under the title "database server subsystem shutdown logging" in the release notes.


Thank you!


That supports my personal motto "Nothing is easy"... I waited a very long time before freezing the requirements for Foxhound 5 at "SQL Anywhere or better"... so of course I was outlasted by SAP 🙂

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