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What is the procedure for calling three screens in order?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi friends,

Can anyone solve my problem of knowing how to call three screens.

In one screen i will be give say emp-id and password

it has to go to next screen have 2 radiobuttons functional and technical after selecting it has to go next screen where employee name timein and timeout will be there where i have to store employee name and timein and out in a table please its urgent can any one help with this. Creation of screens are perfect but only calling the screens in order and storing the data in a table is my problem.

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Former Member
0 Kudos


screens can be called by any one of the following methods:

1.using a t-code

2.from abap program

if ur calling it from abap program, make use of CALL SCREEN


CALL SCREEN <dynnr>.

statement to call a screen and its subsequent sequence within that program. The flow logic of each screen calls dialog modules in the program that called the screen.

When the screen sequence ends, control returns to the statement after the original CALL SCREEN statement.

To termintate the screen sequence, use LEAVE TO SCREEN.

These statements exit the current screen and call the defined next screen. If the next screen is screen 0, the entire screen sequence concludes.

please rewards points if useful.

