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What does the CLAUSE "dynamic result sets 1" mean?

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Cheching a V12.0.1 GA reload file, I've stumbled over the following definition for a proxy procedure:

create procedure dbo.FSTP_MyProc(in nNr integer, in strStr char(20)) 
result (Col1 integer, Col2 integer) dynamic result sets 1
at 'MSSQL.MyDb.dbo.stp_myproc'

The reload file used to migrate this database from V11.0.1 to V12.0.1 does not have the "dynamic result sets 1" clause, nor does the original definition (as this is an undocumented clause, AFAIK).

The proc does indeed return one result set - but how does the local database know about that?

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Former Member

This clause is meaningless in all instances except in the case of external environment calls. For example, if you are using the JAVA external environment, and if your JAVA signature has "[Ljava/sql/ResultSet;" as the last argument, then the server needs to know ahead of time exactly how many result sets will be returned in the ResultSet array. Using something like "dynamic result sets 3" tells the server that this particular JAVA external environment call will return exactly 3 result sets. The reason the server needs to know in the case of external environments is due to the fact that the "server" pre-allocates the ResultSet array prior to calling the user method.

For remote procedure calls, the server is perfectly capable of handling dynamic multiple result sets coming back from the remote server without needing to know ahead of time how many result sets are actually going to come back. Hence, dbunload is incorrect in adding the dynamic result set clause for remote procedure definitions; but as I indicated above, there is no problem in such cases since the clause is happily ignored for all instances except external environment procedures. I will still mark this problem as a dbunload bug and will get the issue resolved. I will also have a chat with the documentation group to see if we can make the documentation a bit more clear regarding the dynamic result set clause.

0 Kudos

@All: Thanks for the clarification. - I guess the obviously unwanted behaviour has been introduced with 12.0.1 - I have just noticed that a previous migration test with had not added this particular clause.

Former Member

@Volker: Yes this unwanted/incorrect dbunload behaviour is actually a side effect of the bug fix for issue #638982. I am not sure at this time whether the fix for this new unexpected dbunload behaviour will go into the server or dbunload, but my guess is that both will need to be changed. I will update this comment with the issue number for the new bug once the new issue number is available.

Former Member

This problem has now been fixed as case #667316.

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... and will be fixed in 12.0.1 build 3336 or higher (for anyone that is wondering! 🙂

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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This clause is documented as part of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement for external procedures. For a detailed explanation, please see 12.0.1 documentation or 12.0.0 documentation.

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Volker's example is creating an RPC call which goes through OMNI to MySQL and therefore is not using the external procedure syntax but rather the syntax documented here. I guess the documentation for this clause needs to be added to this other page as well?

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Thanks for the pointer. - I just hadn't looked for external procedures, and the description of that particular clause for 12.0.1 seems not really refer to proxy procedures (which are documented unter the normal CREATE PROCEDURE statement) but I guess the usage is understandable - particularly since "DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 1" is the default for procs with a RESULT clause.

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But how does the server know? Does he rely on at least one procedure invocation to add this clause?

I'm not sure whether that proc was called between the migration of that database and the (rather immediate) reload to compare structure and data with the old database...

Former Member
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If the documentation for this clause applies to proxy procedures, it is relying on the presence of the RESULT clause to decide that there is a single result set returned.


Turns out that the clause does not apply to proxy procedures - see Karim's answer.

0 Kudos

FWIW, it's MS SQL Server...