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What does <root_key> do in the field spec of a READ ENTITY call?

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I have been trying to get to grips with RAP and have been following tutorials, which ironically explain nothing, and am unable to understand what <root_key> is used for. I am following the following the tutorial Enhance Behavior With Action and Validation | SAP Tutorials and at step 4, I am asked to enter the following code snippet.

*"* use this source file for the definition and implementation of
*"* local helper classes, interface definitions and type
*"* declarations

CLASS lhc_travel DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_handler.


    TYPES tt_travel_update TYPE TABLE FOR UPDATE zi_travel_m_xxx.

    METHODS validate_customer          FOR VALIDATE ON SAVE IMPORTING keys FOR travel~validateCustomer.
    METHODS validate_dates             FOR VALIDATE ON SAVE IMPORTING keys FOR travel~validateDates.
    METHODS validate_agency            FOR VALIDATE ON SAVE IMPORTING keys FOR travel~validateAgency.

    METHODS set_status_completed       FOR MODIFY IMPORTING   keys FOR ACTION travel~acceptTravel              RESULT result.
    METHODS get_features               FOR FEATURES IMPORTING keys REQUEST    requested_features FOR travel    RESULT result.

    METHODS CalculateTravelKey         FOR DETERMINE ON MODIFY IMPORTING keys FOR Travel~CalculateTravelKey.



* Implements the dynamic feature handling for travel instances
  METHOD get_features.

    "%control-<fieldname> specifies which fields are read from the entities

    READ ENTITY zi_travel_m_xxx FROM VALUE #( FOR keyval IN keys
                                                      (  %key                    = keyval-%key
                                                      "  %control-travel_id      = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
                                                        %control-overall_status = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
                                                        ) )
                                RESULT DATA(lt_travel_result).

    result = VALUE #( FOR ls_travel IN lt_travel_result
                      ( %key                           = ls_travel-%key
                        %features-%action-acceptTravel = COND #( WHEN ls_travel-overall_status = 'A'
                                                                    THEN if_abap_behv=>fc-o-disabled ELSE if_abap_behv=>fc-o-enabled   )
                      ) ).


  METHOD validate_agency.

    READ ENTITY zi_travel_m_xxx\\travel FROM VALUE #(
        FOR <root_key> IN keys ( %key-mykey     = <root_key>-mykey
                                %control = VALUE #( agency_id = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) ) )
        RESULT DATA(lt_travel).

    DATA lt_agency TYPE SORTED TABLE OF /dmo/agency WITH UNIQUE KEY agency_id.

    " Optimization of DB select: extract distinct non-initial customer IDs
    lt_agency = CORRESPONDING #( lt_travel DISCARDING DUPLICATES MAPPING agency_id = agency_id EXCEPT * ).
    DELETE lt_agency WHERE agency_id IS INITIAL.
    CHECK lt_agency IS NOT INITIAL.

    " Check if customer ID exist
    SELECT FROM /dmo/agency FIELDS agency_id
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @LT_agency
      WHERE agency_id = @LT_agency-agency_id
      INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_agency_db).

    " Raise msg for non existing customer id
    LOOP AT lt_travel INTO DATA(ls_travel).
      IF ls_travel-agency_id IS NOT INITIAL AND NOT line_exists( lt_agency_db[ agency_id = ls_travel-agency_id ] ).
        APPEND VALUE #(  mykey = ls_travel-mykey ) TO failed-travel.
        APPEND VALUE #(  mykey = ls_travel-mykey
                        %msg      = new_message( id       = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy=>agency_unkown-msgid
                                                  number   = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy=>agency_unkown-msgno
                                                  v1       = ls_travel-agency_id
                                                  severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error )
                        %element-agency_id = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) TO reported-travel.



  METHOD calculatetravelkey.


  METHOD set_status_completed.


  METHOD validate_customer.


  METHOD validate_dates.



On line no 53, keys is looped into <root_key>. It feels like a special token or a keyword cause the loop in line no 34 is looping keys into the keyval variable. What does <root_key> do? Is it a keyword or something cause I can't find any documentation for it.

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It's a question neither related to READ ENTITY, nor <root_key> has a system meaning, it's just a Field Symbol with any name, so your question is about what this ABAP block (valid since ABAP 7.40) is:

VALUE #( FOR <root_key> IN keys 
         ( %key-mykey = xxxxxxx
           %control   = xxxxxxx ) )

VALUE is a Constructor Expression, FOR is a loop at an internal table (KEYS), each line is assigned to the field symbol <root_key>, the code between parenthesis is a line to be inserted (components %KEY and %CONTROL) in a new internal table (which can be used temporarily in any ABAP statement or stored in a variable).

See ABAP Documentation:

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Thanks for the answer, but I am aware of what VALUE does and the question is not entirely about the ABAP block.

I am having tihis question as I didn't realise that <root-key> was used as a field symbol here as I don't see why a field symbol would be used. In fact, in line 34, a field symbol is not used whereas it is used in 53.

Active Contributor
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You mean, your question is why using a data object VERSUS a field symbol? It's the same question as the old LOOP AT question, why using INTO dobj VERSUS ASSIGNING <fs>. I guess you know the answer.