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websphere MQ series

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It is possible to have XI 3.0 receive a Websphere MQ request message, have it processed by SAP and send back a Websphere MQ reply message?


Navin Kumar

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Former Member
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It is possible, check these links

Hope it helps



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi .,

JMS adapter doesn't support synchronous messaging then how would we send the response back to MQ Series?? This is the scenario: MQ Series --> XI ---> SAP(do processing in SAP) and send back the response to MQ Series. Any information on this would be very helfful.

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Dear Navin,

please see my answer in this Thread .


Ly-Na Phu

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Navin,

You can use a Sender adapter to collect msg from MQ, then use BPM to achieve the synchronous call in SAP R/3 & then use Reciever adapter to put the response msg in MQ.

MQ -> XI (with BPM) <--> SAP R/3

MQ <---

Hope this helps



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Ly-Na Phu,

The link you given is general XI forum. But i have seen one of your response in another thread in which you are mentioning about async/sync bridge. And we need to know the same thing as would it be possible to get the correlation id and use it in response message to send back it to MQ series?????

if anyyone know any information about this, please respond to this.

Thank you


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Are you specifically talking about XI having access to the WebsphereMQ (MQSeries) MsgId and CorrelId from the MQMD (Message Descriptor) header? That I know of, the JMS adapter does not interact with the MQMD, mainly because there is no facility in the adapter for making use of implementation specific parameters of the JMS standard.


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Hi Chris.,

Yeah.....we want to capture MessageID, CorrelationID, Reply-To Queue, Reply-To Queue Manager from the request message of WMQ in XI (by using BPM or XSLT/ABAP mapping)and send back those values in response message to WMQ to do some processing. Can you please get back on this if you know something??

Thank you


Former Member
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Hi Navin,

please check SAP Note 838894 J2EE JMS Adapter: Correlation, Sync Async Bridge

With SP12 there is some new functionality in JMS Adapter which allows to access JMS Correlation ID etc. Which you can then use within a Sync/Async or Async/Sync Bridge.

Best regards
