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WEBI Parameter Passing - multiselect prompts - open in excel

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I have a WEBI ReportX which has 5 prompts which are all mutliselect. On reportX I want to create a hyperlink which calls another WEBI reportY.

I want the same prompts entered in ReportX by user to be passed as ReportY and the ReportY should open is excel(default).

What should be my syntax of hyperlink and how do I read the host name dynamically so that I dont have to update the link when I move content from DEV->TEST->PRod

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Former Member
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Hi Vishal,

Refer below link to create a open doc link

you should not select the option "Use complete URL path to create hyperlink”

If you select the option it will hard code the hostname of the current system in which you are creating the document link. But the host name changes from dev to Qa to pod so unselect this option so that it works in all the systems

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Dear Vishal,

Please refer to the below link to understand how the opendocument syntax could be used between a webi-webi report or webi to Dashboard communication.

Moreover when you move your report between systems in your landscape better not use the hostname and port details in your openDocument url as it gets preceeded automatically if you define the url starting with "/BOE..."

Please check and update us back whether you are able to solve the issues with the above details.



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I am using webi 4.1 and I see the right click -> Linking ->Add hyperlink

When I click there is no wizard just a text box to enter the URL manually and parse button.

The document you gave seems to be old?

Former Member
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Dear Vishal,

Then do check the below url which is for BO 4.1 as per your requirement.

Moreover can u paste the URL with Input parameters which you are trying to create to investigate further.



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One is string FacID = [abc, def, ghi] and end user can select one value or multiple.

Whatever user selects should be passed to next webi report.

Can you please give specific full syntax of URL?

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Hi Vishal,

Open document creation steps are same. Basically open the document in HTML mode,

make sure ur settings are as mentioned in screenshot-1. Just right click the report --> view--> design

select the column on which you want to create hyperlink --> right click->add document link--> select the target report--> select the fields which you to pass to the parameters and other options. ok--> save

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I dont want to behave like a drill down report on click of one data cell.

In Report A - there will be a hyper link 'Export to Excel' on click of that link I want to open ReportB in excel format directly.

Same set of all input parameters need to be passed from ReportA to ReportB

I also tried the above approach by creating a blank cell in report header and I get #MULTIVALUE. The ReportB report doesnt open up.

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Can you provide us the data

Former Member
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One is string FacID = [abc, def, ghi] and end user can select one value or multiple.

Whatever user selects should be passed to next webi report.

Can you please give specific full syntax of URL?