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WebDynpro Portal Eventing

Former Member
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Hi I tried to communicate with 2 iViews thro portal eventing.

a) in my iView1 I have a action.

on click of button I am calling this action..

public void onActionShow( wdEvent )


//@@begin onActionShow(ServerEvent)

String name = wdContext.currentContextElement.getName();"","Show",name);



b) In my iView2 I have a code in my view wdDoInit method


And my action is

public void onActionReactPortalEventing( wdEvent, java.lang.String dataObject )


//@@begin onActionReactPortalEventing(ServerEvent)




I have created a page in portal and I put these 2 iViews in that page.

If i try to run this application thro portal,its running and showing 2 iViews.but on click of the button the event is not calling the second iView.

Can anyone help me in this..

I followed everything specified in HowToProgramPortalEventing.pdf.

Can anyone tell me what mistake I've done..

Is that the path correct?

Thankx in advance


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Former Member
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Did you look at this note 1112733?

Former Member
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Can you send me the link to the HowToProgramPortalEventing.pdf doc?



Former Member
Former Member
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In the document "How to Use Portal Eventing for Web Dynpro iViews" it is stated that portal server and WebDynpro J2EE server must have the same domain.

E.G.: and

In my tests portal eventing does not work if I connect to the portal server with https while the WebDynpro runs on http. Is that also part of the domain? Can I solve the problem by starting the WebDynpro via https?

I'd be thankful for a short reply...


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Swapna,

how have you opened the portal in your browser? Have you used the full qualified hostname? This is needed, depending to the domain name relaxation setting.

Kind Regards
