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Webdynpro application configuration error

Former Member

I am trying to configure webdynpro app in fiori launchpad .App name : APP_IDGT , component :AC_IDGT_INBOUND.

In target mapping entered : Semantic object , action = dsplay

app type = web dynpro , App name : APP_IDGT , configuration :AC_IDGT_INBOUND.

when i try to launch below error received :

ERROR: Failed to resolve Object Based Navigation target "SAP_ECC_Financials.IDGTSETTINGS.display". Use transaction PFCG to define this OBN target in a role or contact your system administrator to assign a role with the relevant OBN entries to your user. (termination: RABAX_STATE).

please provide input for correction .

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For me a step to the solution (still not sure if everything works) was

So basically you need to make sure you have the OBN access rights (here "IDGTSETTINGS.display") assigned to a role and that role assigned to you