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Webdispatcher error - 500 dispatching error

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi expert,

I have problem wiht Webdispatcher error - "500 dispatching error" on web browser.

I attach dev_webdisp


[Thr 3204] Tue Jun 09 12:13:28 2009

[Thr 3204] *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 17 / sock 130760

(SI_ECONN_REFUSE/10061; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp 2823]

[Thr 3204] *** ERROR => Connection request to host: PRD, service: 8001 failed (NIECONN_REFUSED) [icxxpool.c 1968]

[Thr 3204] *** ERROR => error connecting to server 'PRD' [http_route.c 2948] [Thr 3204] *** WARNING => redispatching of failed stateful request [http_route.c 3037] [Thr 3204] *** ERROR => no valid destination server available for '!DIAG' rc=4 [http_route.c 3139]

[Thr 3204] *** WARNING => redirect failed request to foreign destination '!ALL' [http_route.c 3159]

[Thr 3204] *** WARNING => original destination was '!DIAG' [http_route.c 3162]

[Thr 3204] *** ERROR => no valid destination server available for '!ALL' rc=4 [http_route.c 3139] [Thr 3204] *** WARNING => redirect failed request to foreign destination '!ALL' [http_route.c 3159] [Thr 3204] *** WARNING => original destination was '!ALL' [http_route.c 3162] [Thr 3204] *** ERROR => no valid destination server available for '!ALL' rc=4 [http_route.c 3139]


this message is written persistently in dev_webdisp

how can I do?

thanks and regards


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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


What is the status in webdispatcher admin page?

Link : Server group monitor


Former Member
0 Kudos


Monitor Server Groups is vaild but HTTP conn pool is peak(2000) to max (2000).

I attach Dispatching Module parameter in administrator


Hard limits

wdisp/max_servers 100

wdisp/max_server_name_len 64

wdisp/max_server_groups 128

wdisp/max_server_group_name_len 20

wdisp/max_url_map_entries 300

wdisp/max_url_map_path_len 256

wdisp/HTTP/min_pooled_con 2

wdisp/HTTP/max_pooled_con 2000

wdisp/HTTPS/min_pooled_con 0

wdisp/HTTPS/max_pooled_con 2000

Timer values

wdisp/auto_refresh 120

Backend Connection Timout Values

icm/conn_timeout 7200

icm/keep_alive_timeout 3600


how can I correct ??



0 Kudos

1. is your backend, java standalone or dual stack ?

2. same error of HTTP 500, if bypass webdisp and connect directly to backend ?

3. any firewall / hardware load balancer sitting in front of webdisp ?

4. what did ICM trace said ? normally level 3 trace of webdisp and level 3 trace of ICM are required.

set parameter icm/trace_secured_data = 1 if using https

5. the error:

Thr 3204 *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 17 / sock 130760

(SI_ECONN_REFUSE/10061; I4; ST; http://nixxi.cpp 2823

Thr 3204 *** ERROR => Connection request to host: PRD, service: 8001 failed (NIECONN_REFUSED) http://icxxpool.c 1968

- check the host PRD with port 8001...why is it refused....does it listening or used by someone else ?

6. what is the output of sapwebdisp pf=<profile> -checkconfig ?

webdisp version, kernel info, patch level ?

7. check SAP note:

Note 634262: Note on the preclarification of SAP Web dispatcher

Note 634006: ICM messages explanatory note

