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Web query designer - authorisation

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The new standard web template offered with BW 3.5 includes the option to use the web query designer. As this doesn't really offer much functionality and the training would be substantial we would like to disable this option.

Does anybody know a quick way to disable this using authorisations as I would rather use this approach than make a change to the standard template. (we may decide to switch this on again in the future).

any help appreciated,


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Former Member
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To create a query through 0ANALYZER a user needs to have authorizations to create a query, i.e. auth object S_RS_COMP and S_RS_COMP1.

However, the links will still be displayed.

I would suggest that you copy 0ANALYZER to say ZANALYZER and use that as your default template. At a later point in time, if needed, you can always switch back to 0ANALYZER.



Former Member
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yes - I understand the use of S_RS_COMP etc. We would simply like to disable the link...for people that can create queries and for those that can't.



Former Member
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I don't think there is anything in standard that will suppress links based on authorizations.

Due to the lack of features of the web query designer, we have disabled it for all users. For users that can create, separate templates using the view web item have been given using which they can create their own views on a query. To create a query, still using the query designer.

Former Member
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How did you disable it - did you physically remove the HTML on the template?

Former Member
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Kind of - commented those parts out.

Disable the web template 0ANALYZER_LINKS