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WD component build error

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

In my process I have a webDynpro component in which I am uploading an xls file and populate a table. I have downloaded the jlx.jar library, added it to the build path of my component, as well as copying it in the lib folder. But when I try to build my component I get the following error message: "package jxl does not exist". Does any of you know what else needs to be done in order not to get this error?



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Ingeneral, if we are adding any external JAR to a DC then the best way is to Create a Libray DC with the required JARs and add this Library DC as a dependency to your WDJ DC. Try this approach.



Former Member
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Hi all,

Thank you for you replies, I managed to solve my issues by creating an External Library and and EAR. In this way the dependency on the external library was solved. What was confusing is that before, on another similar environment I managed to add an external library just by editing the build path.

But anyways, now it works.

Thank you and best regards,


Former Member
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hi rusu.stefania,

I think you should create a External Libraly Dc, and add the jar file here. Then add the dc as dependency to your WD. This may solve you problem.

Best Regards

Active Contributor
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don't try to change the build path if you are using DC.

you can search in sdn regarding how to use external lib.