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way to buffer all messages in XI queues

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I am searching for a way to buffer all of my incoming and outgoing messages in the queues of XI.

I heard a while ago that it should be possible to schedule the queues in XI.

Our goal is that all messages that XI (3.0) receives and also all messages that the XI System is intended to send will NOT be send. We still want to be able to resend ALL messages later manually (maybe through a report?). Like this all receiving and sending Systems should not have any errors at all.

Any input is appreciated.

Thank you

kind regards


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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Nesimi,

thats very easy.

First (should be done during installation/configuration) sxmb_adm / manage queues ->register queues.

Second go to SMQR and deregister all queues. Restart them in SMQ2 (out) and SMQ1 (in). Could be some work, ha, ha. Of course that can work only for asynchronous messages.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nesimi,

The URL below gives you one of the way that you can achieve this

There was a weblog too regarding the same. Can't seem to find it now though!!



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Using event driven messages you can hold the messages without being sent.

sxmb_adm->event driven proceessing..

refer sap help to understand more.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you for your input!

