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Want to learn XI

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Hi Friends,

I am an ABAP Consultant.

I want to learn XI.

What are all the necessary Java skills i need to learn XI?

Thanks in advance.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Hi there,

You don't necessarily need to be a Java guru to do XI. However, it can be useful if you know some Java basic skills like working with Strings, arrays, etc.

Besides that you will also need knowledge of XML formats like SOAP, XSD etc. Finally some message oriented messaging (MOM) understanding can also be helpful.



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

HI Abdul,

My suggestion is to Learn XI without much concentrating much on JAVA as u r already an Abap Consultant.... U first concentrate more on XI with regarding to ABAP Part.. Then later after learning it then definitely u can go through Java basics,Exceptions,Classes,Servlets,J2EE ..


Sridhar Reddy

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Hi Sridhar

Thanks for replying.

Should i need to know java to learn XI Completely?

If so whether Core Java or J2ee i have to learn.

Kindly clarify.

Thanks in advance.


Former Member
0 Kudos

hello abdul.....

to be honest u DONT require to know Java...

having knowledge of Java is just na additional advatage....infact having knowledge of any programming language is an advantage....

and just in cast if u still wann learn java, then a bit of both is helpful...



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Vishal

Thanks for answering.

Some guyz confused me like i should have through knowledge on java and j2ee that is why i have posted my question.

I think i should know XML, is it right?

Kindly clarify what are all the pre-requisite skills necessary for learning XI.



Message was edited by: Abdul Hakim

Former Member
0 Kudos

HI Abdul Hakim

Prerequisite for Learning XI is ABAP knowledge.

Definitely JAVA is going to give you an edge atleaset when you are working on XI.

SO Its good to learn JAVA side by side if you are planning to learn XI.

You can start with JAVA CORE only for the time being.

XML will also be an adavantage,if you can learn that.


Vijay Raheja

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0 Kudos

Hi Vijay,

I want the exact prerequisite skills for learning XI.

Kindly clarify..



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Abdul

Prerequisites for learning XI,

1) XML knowledge necessary

2) ABAP Knowledge which you already have

3) Primary work you will be doing on XI is mapping, depending on the requirement, you can either use XI's own Graphical mapping. But sometimes your graphical mapping needs some java enhancements so you will need some decent java knowledge.

4) If you plan to write the mapping completely on Java, then you need good java knowledge.

5) XSLT is also a good mapping language that can be used.

6) EJB knowledge will be required if you are going to do module programming.

So if you see, based on the requirements the skills needed varies. But yes XML is a basic necessity.

Hope it helps,

thanks and regards

Sameer Shadab

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0 Kudos

Hi Sameer,

Thanks for replying.

I am planning to take XI Course from SAP.

There they have mentioned like prequisite is basic java programming knowledge.

I have Core Java knowledge.

Can i start with it?

Kindly advice..



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Abdul,

no, stay at home. Everything is very difficult.



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Hi Udo

Basically i am an ABAP Consultant and i have good Core Java knowledge as well.

The way you have answered is not good

Dont answer like this..


Former Member
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I like the awnser

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Robin.

What you have liked from Udo's answer?


Former Member
0 Kudos

i must laugh and i like to laugh


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U don't know how to answer?

This shows your character..

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Abdul,

Check this thread...might help you


Former Member
0 Kudos

Now i must laugh again.

But the topic start to become OFF-TOPIC.

So i will write something:

For XI you it not neccesary to know java programm language.

But its very usefull to know something about the java technical side. Installation etc. because there are many java tools for configuration XI.

And when you want to use Java Mapping or Java Proxys you must have J2EE skill.. like EJB.

All other things was said before.



Former Member
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i hope finally Abdul does not become a confused soul on whether to study java or not ....



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Vishal,

Earlier you mentioned that we don't require java skills to learn XI but other guyz have mentioned like i should know java.I am bit confused..Kindly clarify..



Former Member
0 Kudos

hi abdul...

>>>>having knowledge of Java is just na additional advatage....infact having knowledge of any programming language is an advantage....

>>>>>and just in cast if u still wann learn java, then a bit of both is helpful...

the above is wot i had mentioned...

just believe in urself abdul and proceed..." Nothing is Impossible"...

as and when u start doin Xi' ullll come to know wot all is reqd....

as of now, for u to start with Xi, start with simple scenarios and u dont require java...

as i said having additional knowledge of any language is helpful....

so if u know java, well and good...

otherwise u will come across scenarios where u urself will know how much minute amt of java is reqd..(which does not require any special stress to be given)...

i hope this clears ur doubt and u will not ask for any further clarifications on this topic...



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Vishal,

Thanks a lot for clarifying my doubt..



Former Member
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well, if i was so clear then y dint i get any points...???



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Abdul,

Java is indeed not really neccessary. XML knowledge (including XML schema and XSLT) has more value. The most important thing is to have access to a running system.

