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WAD report broadcasting as PDF error

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I am trying to broadcast a report in PDF format. The report is from a web template that has a table of 2 rows and 4 columns with 8 chart web items. But the PDF file displays only one graph in a row instead of the 4 defined in the template. What can I do to correct this?


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Hi Sanjeev,

As i understood that you have 4 Graphs in each row, and u have 2 rows.

The first row has a graph and Table of 2*4 matrix.

But the problem is u r getting only 1 Graph per row in the PDF.

If this is the case:-

I hope this might be the page cutter problem when converting from WEB page to PDF.

Please check the Page settings in the Wed item properties.

If possibel limit it to a sizw where you can see 1 table and 4 Graphs in your web reports itself, so that you have the same in PDF.

User the Insert table options befor putting any beb tiems on toi the Web designer page, it will help you in organize the web items in a proper way.

Best Regards,


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Thanks for the reply. I am not sure if you are describing the problem correctly. I have a table with 2 rows and 4 columns. There are 8 chart web items in this table, one in each cell. Now, the output in a browser is fine. When I convert the output to a PDF format, it's fine, i.e. the entire table comes in 1 page. But when I broadcast (by email) from the 'File' menu item of WAD, using the broadcaster tool in a PDF format, the PDF file that is emailed is all contains only 2 graphs, one below another, in one page. Are there any settings related to broadcasting in PDF in WAD that control this?


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we have exactly the same problem.

We have also a matrix 2x4 qith Quieries in the Web-layout.

But when we want print with the PDF-Button, then we get all Queriers (8) in sequence.

How can I change the print Layout? We want the same Layout as in the WebTemplate.

Thank you very much.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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Check in Html code on the PDF target code, whether it has mentioned to only one dataprovider or multiple

Former Member
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Thanks for the reply.

Where can I find the PDF target code? IS this in the WAD template designer? Is this theh HTML code for the table in WAD?

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It will be in the HTML code area in web application designer.

at some location in html code you will find target=PDF ,

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I couldn't find anything about target = PDF in the HTML code in WAD. Are there any settings in WAD to be done for the PDF output format?