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WAD - Chart contains too much data to display

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Hi Experts,

My Requirement was to include formula in BEx.

I used Formula replacemnt variables to replace the charcteristics of Multiprovider.

But the formula replacement variables' output was "X" , so i included the Infoobjects (which are the inputs for Formula) in Rows of BEx and made it as "no display".

Now I have an issue with my WAD, when i run the WAD report it says " Chart contains too much data to display".

Can you please help.?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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In case of size problems, SAP has some standard process that can be used in WAD (by changing the data provider properties pane values for size) to increase the display of the report. But that is only for tabular display and not graphs.

If the error for internet graphic size increase limit occurs, there is no way to increase it unless the query is further restricted.

As per the issue mentioned by you, the problem seems to be with the increase in the number of rows in the query.

Even if the rows (being referenced) is made as 'No Display', this will still be included as a part of the series in the graphs (even in tabular form for that matter).

It is not necessary to have the referenced objects in Rows of a query.

Try to move these referenced infoobjects to columns (instead of having them in increases the size). If columns has a keyfigure structure, move these chars above the keyfigure structure and make them no display.

Former Member
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HI Shruthi,

i moved them to columns and tried the option.. but the fields are getting drill down at column level, which doesnt seems good for the client.

any other approach?



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In that case try this:

Move those chars in rows but keep them in the end of all the other chars (with no display)

Considering the rows will be categories in the Chart (like line, Bar etc).

In WAD, Chart properties, define a precise number of categories (based on the count of chars except the referenced chars)

- In 'Wizard' button - 'Category Count'

and -In 'Refine' button - 'Category Axis' -> 'Maximum Value' and also uncheck 'Maximum Automatic'

This is to ensure that the chart only picks up the chars that are needed for display in the report.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

the issue is resolved, my client has agreed to put the abap logic at the backend for the calculation.

Thanks for ur inputs.



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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The chart will not be rendered when the size of the chart does not allow

to draw the complete result set. In this case, you get the error message in chart item with a warning

at the top 'Chart contains too much data'.

So please set the related Height and widht of char as per the below link:



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Please check the note 1450678 for your issue.



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Hi Amit,

the note is not relevenat to this issue.

I guess it is not a product error.

Can you please suggets somethign else?

