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Vendor Master Outbound

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Action - Create or change a vendor master in SAP R/3

As the user create or change vendor master records in SAP, a combination IDOC's and BAPI's should use to send the data to Third party. The Third Party Adapter is used to receive these and they will be post to the there vendor master tables.

I can do the changes in the user exit SAPMF02k to create the IDOC(CREAMAS04), Can any one suggest me whether can i use any of the BAPI to do this process.......

Appreciate your comments with suggestions...

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Former Member
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Actually, based on my understanding of your requirement, you need no custom exit (e.g., BADI, BTE, user-exit, etc.). Rather you need to enable change pointers for the message type you are using (e.g. CREMAS) and then enable change pointers generally

Search for "Change Pointers" in the IMG.

Former Member
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See the trx FIBF you should find the documentaion too, but see Douglas answer, I'm not very expert on IDOC: I remember that change pointer should trigger an IDOC as soon as a modification is done.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Douglas,

I came to know that Change Pointers are used to capture only the changed data, where as my requirement is to create an IDOC when the vendor create or change and send to third party.

So do u think still i can use the Change Pointers.

Thanks in advance,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jhon,

Change pointers does not meant only for changes.

In the case of creating vendor the change action is considered as a insert at the master table.

So you can use change pointers for sending out the vendors which were created or change.

Hope this clarifies your question.

Thank you.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi John,

To send the changes from SAP to any we use changepointers.

For this you need to active it in BD50 & bd61 like msgtype/globally.

then run the program RBDMIDOC for the related msgtype



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


I don't think the BAPI is good tool in your process, because after updating data vendors, the modifications are sent to other system, aren't you?

The BAPI could be used if the process was driven by System of Third Party, in this case that system could call a BAPI to update master data vendor or call a BAPI to pick all modifcations of data vendors and update its database.

I think the IDOC is better than BAPI in this case, but I don't think it's a good idea to use that user-exit to send the idoc.

See the BTE (Business Transaction Event, trx FIBF), these are exit created to link SAP to Third Party: perhaps here is the best place to send the idoc.

For example there's the BTE 00001420 and 00001421 are triggered while saving.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks Max.

Do you have any documents on BTE becoz i havnt worked on BTE earlier.

I will appreciate if you can send some docs on BTE or some steps to work on BTE.
