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Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Query | Three-way match process | Selective Vendors Removal


Hi Team,

I have urgent query related to Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) and request your response. Three-way match has been set up in VIM to auto match and post invoices. However there are some issues for some vendors and were looking at a scenario if some vendors can be taken out from the three way match process.

Could you please advise on,
1. Do we options to move out selective vendors out of Three-way match.
2. If yes, what are the changes required to be done technically and what would be the functional (if any) changes that would happen
3. Provide any additional information / links / Doc in relation to it that adds benefit.

Thank You

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if Autoposting is what you want to control specific to vendors, there is an autoposting detemrination function Module. /OPT/VIM_DETERMINE_AUTOPOST.

you can find all related documentation for VIM in the below Link



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If you determine the automating posted with the logic modules (with the views /OPT/DT_BP_*) you could customize the vendors that you include in each modules, with the transaction /OPT/VIM_BPF_DET