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Value Help with parameter does not open in Parameter View

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Hi all,

for a RAP action I'm using a abstract view entity to define the import parameters for the action. To ensure correct values I'm adding value helps to this abstract view.

One of the Value Helps needs a parameter "Valid From" to filter the result directly for a time period. But this is not working at the moment. I'm passing the parameter like here descriped

define abstract entity ZZGID_CreateContractP
  ContractType           : zzgi_contract_type
  ValidFrom              : /gicom/valid_from;
  ValidTo                : /gicom/valid_to;
  @Consumption           : {
    valueHelpDefinition  : [{ entity: { name: 'ZZGII_Contract_LanguageVH', element: 'Language' },
                              additionalBinding: [{element: 'ContractType', localElement: 'ContractType', usage: #FILTER_AND_RESULT  },
                                                  {parameter: 'PVALIDFROM', localElement: 'ValidFrom' , usage: #FILTER }]
  Language               : zzgi_contract_language;

This works so far and the value helps open on the App Preview.

But once I've now add the parameter to my value value help and activate it, the Value help is not shown any more in the App Preview and the system doesn't provide me any error message.

The value helps is defined in that way:

@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #MANDATORY
@EndUserText.label: 'Value Help for Contract Language'
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
  dataCategory: #VALUE_HELP,
  representativeKey: 'ContractType',
  modelingPattern:       #VALUE_HELP_PROVIDER,
  usageType: {
    dataClass:      #META,
    serviceQuality: #A,
    sizeCategory:   #S
/*+[hideWarning] { "IDS" : [ "KEY_CHECK" ] }*/
define view entity ZZGII_Contract_LanguageVH
with parameters PVALIDFROM : zzgi_valid_from
  as select from ZZGII_ContractTypeLanguage as Language

  key Type  as ContractType,
  key Langu as Language,
  key Jurisdiction

where Language.ValidFrom <= $parameters.PVALIDFROM and
      Language.ValidTo   >= $parameters.PVALIDFROM

Opening of the value help manually in eclipse and maintaining the parameter is working so fine.

So it seems that for some reason the parameter is not passed to the value help by the framework. In the restrictions section I didn't find any restriction for value helps.

Does someone have an idea how to solve this problem?

Thank you and best regards,

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In the mean time i could find out that parameters are in a value help not yet supported in case of a action with a a parameter cds view