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validating the table

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i have two tables , in the first scenatio

when the two tables are empty it should shown a error

message , plz do some operation to populate data in the table.

second scenario when the data is populated , there should be no multi selection in the two table .

and if one row is selected from one table and nothing is

selected from another table it should show error

i am trying this application with using some boolean

condition , but its not working as required

can any one help me ?

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Former Member
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lets say you have two value nodes nodetable1 and nodetable2

For the first scenario

when the two tables are empty it should shown a error 


For this u can check nodes size.

if(wdContext.nodetable1.size()==0 && wdContext.nodetable2.size()==0)

//ur error message

For second scenario when the data is populated , there should 

be no multi selection in the two table .

For implementing the above scenario u can set ur table

selectionMode to single.

For the third scenario.

 if one row is selected from one table and nothing is 

selected from another table 

For implementing the above scenario u need to initially keep ur

both nodes lead selection to -1.So that initially no row would be

selected in both the tabes.



for checking the 3rd scenario

if(wdContext.nodetable1.getLeadSelection()!=-1 && wdContext.nodetable2.getLeadSelection()!=-1)

//Any Processing if both tables are selected

//ur error message

I hope now u r clear with ur doubts.


Surender Dahiya

Former Member
0 Kudos


thanks for ur valuable response ,

if the problem gets solved i will surely award u

maximum points .

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi dahiya

i have followed the procedure u have mentioned

and i have a issue with multimatch ,

problem is i cannot make the table selection property

as single selection , as this table is used in

two procedures , one with single selection and other

with multi selection . and other thing is for

showing one table selected and other table not selected

i have used lead selection , but for the else i need

to show different messages for different tables

i am able to show the message for single table that is first table and for the second table i am not able too .

Former Member
0 Kudos


why dont u bind ur table selectionMode to context variable so

that in whichever procedure u want ur table to behave as single

selection u can set this variable to single and in other to multi.

say u created a context variable tableselection of type

just bind this variable to selectionMode of ur table and then u can play

with table selection mode according to ur requirment.


dont forget to keep ur node cardinality 0..n.

I hope this helps


Surender Dahiya

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi dahiya

thanks for the response ,

here problem with the selection property to single and


my single table has both single and multiple selection at the same time .

i mean user can select single row or multiple rows

. i have two button . in which i have written the action code

and for the first button user will or should select only one

row from the both table and click on first button and in this scenario mutiple selection is not allowed .

for the above what u have mentioned above in the post i have done with binding the context atrribute and making it single .

not in the same table i need have multiple selection and

then click on the second button , in the second button

i have other action code .

in which i have made the table as multiple ,but here only

single selection is only working ,

Former Member
0 Kudos

What exactly have you tried already?
