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Using sapdb with UME as Data Source

Former Member
0 Kudos


I want to create users , and want UME to refer to a database at the time of authroization.

Can any of you give me any hint and API how to use this thing?

Also in case of using the sapdb which is default database which gets installed at the time of installation of SAP WAS I want to know how to connect to it for creating tables and inserting records which can be used while authorization.

It is something like checking if the user belongs to a group which has got rights to perform certain set of actions.

Any help in this regard would be really helpful.

I have been referring to the link got lot of information but am still not very clear about it.

Thanks in advance.


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0 Kudos

Hi Noaman,

please have a look at the UME API. This is a link to the EP6 SP2 API, but (almost) everything documented there should also be valid for NW04:

Besides, please explain what you mean by "refer to a database at the time of authorization". What is your goal? Why do you need direct database access although you can probably do everything you need via UME API methods?

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Heiko,

Thanks for the email, I would go thru the link that u sent.

Actually the UME would only be used to define a template of sort for a role. For example I have 100 companies. And role is READ. There can be 100 Employees who can have READ role for comapnies.But each employee is supposed to READ only companies assigned to that employee.

Now I am thinking of using database to store the info regarding which user can read which company.

So authorization would be based on the data in database.

Step 1 is to check for the role.

Step 2 is to check if for this role , the info provided is valid.

I am not sure if I explained it properly but this is in brief what I am planning to do.

Thanks once again-


0 Kudos

Hi Noaman,

I'm still not really sure about how you plan to implement this. What is the actual purpose of the "template of sort for a role" that you define using UME? What's the purpose of the "template"?

For the two steps you mentioned: You plan to have some application that contains such a two-step authority check, right? The first is to check for the UME role , probably via UME APIs (resp. isUserInRole()).

Now the question is about the second step:

- Do you want to check the authorization of an employee to read data for a company in your own code, which uses the company assignments either from your private database tables or using other public APIs?

- Or do you want to check it via UME roles you created based on the "template"? (why not use UME APIs to generate all these roles instead of creating one template and multiplying it manually, directly in the DB?)

