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urgent!! url of bsp page

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I am creating bsp applications in dev system and each page in the application has the url of dev. system. if i transport the application to Q and then Prod systems, do the URLs be automatically be adjusted according to hostname or it should be done manually? if it is a manual process, should I go for using external aliases?


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Former Member
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System Takes care of it. You don't have to do anything.


Former Member
0 Kudos


thanks for replying to me.

the url of bsp applications will be used in the configuration steps.

the url i use is the one as is in <b>dev. system</b>. this configuration will be moved to q and prod systems. i want to have uniform "URL" for the configuration as this URL is used in the configuration.

how to get a Uniform "<hostname>.<domain name>" (DEV=Q+PROD)? through external alias?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi there,

you should not hard-code the URL. You can build it at runtime like so

       in_application      = bsp_application
       in_page             = page
       in_parameters       = params
       out_local_url       = r_url ).



Former Member
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where should i put the code you mentioned.

I do not know if I explain it properly. this is what i am trying to do.

SAP provides a configuration path to enter the URLs for descriptions for ESS benefits plans. These URLs appear in ESS web dynpro applications. Right now, i am trying to create a simple BSP application which contains lot of HTML pages (no business logic). And enter this URL of BSP Page in the above configuration field. I created all HTML pages,

example entry:


if the transport request is moved to Q and PROD systems, they still have the same entries as above. But Q and PROD systems have different hostnames. the good point is domain name is same.

How should i get URL for a BSP page so that it is free of at least <b>host name</b>?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi there,

You can put this code wherever you like. It takes the BSP Application name, the BSP Page name and any parameters and builds the complete URL for you.

I still don't fully understand your requirements, but here are a few more ideas.

1. Use relative URL names instead of absolute. If all URLs are on the same host then you don't need to specify it at all.

2. Use the public attributes of the BSP Runtime class. e.g. runtime->page_url, runtime->application_url, etc.

3. Use the settings in the Navigation tab of the BSP Application to link absolute page names to logical names.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Graham,

let me explain again. i am not a big programmer of BSP applications. I am a HR functional guy. I am trying to use the features of Web AS to create BSP HTML pages easily.

I am not trying to create a complex application. a simple application which contains 40-50 HTML pages which are independent of each other. no navigation is needed.

for example:

dev system hostname is somehost<b>dev</b>.

Q system hostname is somehost<b>q</b>.

Prod system hostname is somehost<b>prod</b>.

say I have a BSP application in DEV as http://<somehost<b>dev</b>>.<domain>.........../startpage.htm

In HR configuration, above URL is used in one field like this:

<b>URL: http://<somehost<b>dev</b>>.<domain>.........../startpage.htm </b> (URL of above BSP page)

Description: Description for Medical Plan

So If the transport request is moved to Q system, i see above entry in the configuration. but it does not have host name of the Q system (obvious from the above entry). it has host name of the dev system. so, in Q ESS portal if I click the link, it is accessing the link from BSP page from DEV system not the one from Q R/3 system. it is because of above configuration.

It seems to me at this moment, to put the URL of BSP Page in the configuration field, and transport the customizing request. with this solution, there is lot of manual process.


1. put the URL of BSP page with Q system host name in the DEV system, and transport the request to Q. Do the testing

2. change the URL of BSP page with P system hostname in the DEV system, and transport it to Q and then P.

there is lot of manual processing involved.

is there any way to get around this?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi there,

I don't think you need to be fixated on the configuration tables for ESS. You are building some new pages so forget the ESS configuration and just work on presenting your BSP pages in the Portal.

The portal requires a system entry created for the WAS that is hosting your BSP applications. In fact it probably already has one.

Then you just create a BSP iView that points to the system, application and page that you want to address.

