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Upgrade XI3.0 to PI7.1 and SID Change

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we are going to upgrade our XI3.0 System to PI7.1.

We plan to go with Installation&Phase_Out option to reduce XI/PI downtime.

In this process we will have to change SID accroding some internal policy. Are there something we have to specially care about ?

Any advise are appreciate.

best regards,


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I forgot some pieces...

also every partner profile in R/3 related systems will change!!!!

the rfc connection to and from R/3.

the communication channel might be impacted if are RFC or Idoc type and also file type if you have naming convention in file name or os command that have sid (or ALE name) included...

Former Member
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Hi Sergio,

thank you very much for your Information.

What do you mean the java part with SID?

If we go with new Installation and Phase Out opition, I have to configure the RFC, Partner Profile after installation in the PI and ERP system, but the new Installation should not aware of the old SID. Do I have to do the System Copy as recommend from SAP? If I can get rid of the System copy, it should be like two separated XI Systems. After that I plan to migration the sld and the repository content. Part of the configuration scenarios will be probably configured from scratch to take the advantage of the AAE in PI7.1.

How many person days do you have to work on this release change project ? I know it depends on the scenarios, but could you give me some information about the efforts?

best regards,


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If I have the time machine, I choose the new Installation and Phase Out opition.

Take care that the changing in SLD and others step are required.

But, the troubles are located expecially in the basis part and in the upgrade procedure! But we have started with the upgrade to PI 7.1 when it was very young, now I expect that the upgrade procedure are more stable.

The effort for the only PI part is about 300 man-days (subdivided into application and basis), but you have to know that we had about 400 scenarios and 700 mapping. Included the support during test (test not in charge). So the effort is depending also from many others factor, locations, young release (7 months ago), customer policies,.... and so on...



Former Member
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Hi Sergio,

I feel even more confident now about the option "new Installation & Phase out".

Thanks a lot for your Information.

best regards,


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Hi, Are you the Long Hai who studied in Aachen and worked/working in Walldorf? If yes, I am Jianjun, a long lost friend. Please let me know if you are the guy.


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Hi Jianjun,

nice to meet you here :D. How are you doing these days ?

Yes I am the guy who worked for SAP few years in Walldorf.

I am now an employee from E.ON Ruhrgas.

best regards,


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Hi Hai,

nice to find you here. Please write me an email to jianjun_xiao at

Talk to you then.


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I have just finished an upgrade from 3.0 to PI 7.1 with change of SID.

Very hard!!!

Really we didn't change the SID in production but the two SID related to develop and quality system.

So here my general raccomandations:

- SLD, the registrations of the new PI technical system are very important, you must do it with automatic recording (RZ70).

- Every BS assigned to the group of previous XI SID must be reassigned to the new one. You have the options to duplicate all, there are some tools to manage this automatically and not manually.

- You have to chek if in the desing some mappings use the SID in the fixed convertion rules.

- In Configuration the receiver determination could depend from the BS name and the SID too.

But really the wroste problems that we had are located in the basis area. The sid and the hostname is declared in many points in java part!!



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basically your XI system's business system name will get changed

so if you use it in integration directory you need to change it to a new one

in every scenario/case


Michal Krawczyk

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thx for reply. Is there anything else need to pay attention apart from the case that XI Server used as BS in the configuration ?



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With SID I don't think so


Michal Krawczyk