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unable to enable button on row selection


Hello Team,

I am trying to enable "Edit button" by selection of a Table row, but it is not getting highlighted.error.jpg

Thanks & Regards,
Subrata Roy

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Do it through a model property:

<Button id="EditButtonID" enabled="{yourLocalModel>/IsRowEditable}" >

You will probably want the Edit Button to be enabled only if ONE SINGLE row is selected, therefore, use the table's "rowSelectionChange" event, and the code would be like this:

 onRowSelectionChange: function (oEvent) {
 var oTable = oEvent.getSource();
 var bIsRowEditable = !!(oTable.getSelectedIndices().length === 1);
 this.getModel("yourLocalModel").setProperty("/IsRowEditable", bIsRowEditable);
0 Kudos

Hello Artyom,

Thanks for your input.

I have tried the above functionality but it is not working.

Can you please guide me on this or provide me a sample application so that i can refer to.

onInit: function () {
                var oViewModel,
                    oTable = this.byId("table");
                   oTable.attachSelectionChange(this.onRowSelectionChange, this);
onRowSelectionChange: function (oEvent) { var oTable = oEvent.getSource(); var bIsRowEditable = !!(oTable.getSelectedIndices().length === 1); this.getModel("worklistView").setProperty("/IsRowEditable", bIsRowEditable); }, ) :::::::Worklist.view.xml(syntax)::: <Button icon="sap-icon://edit" enabled="{worklistView>/IsRowEditable}" id="test"></Button>
0 Kudos

Artyom's reply works just fine.
Some small adjustments were needed on my side, but in general same functionality:

view.xml code, using sap.m

<core:View<br> xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc"<br> xmlns:core="sap.ui.core"<br> xmlns="sap.m"<br> controllerName="yourAppPath.ext.controller.SensorAssignmentExt"><br><br><br><Table id="availableSensorsTable"<br> selectionChange=".onSelectionChange"<br><br>.........<br><br><br><FlexBox direction="Column" <br>alignItems="Start"<br> justifyContent="Center"><br> <Button enabled="{localSensorsDataModel>/IsAvailableSensorSelected}" <br>/><br>..........<br>

SensorAssignmentExt.controller.js code:

onSelectionChange: function (oEvent) {<br> const oView = this.getView()<br><br>const oAvailableSensorsTable = oView.byId('availableSensorsTable')<br> const bIsAvailableSensorSelected = !!(oAvailableSensorsTable.getSelectedItems().length > 0)<br> oView.getModel('localSensorsDataModel').setProperty('/IsAvailableSensorSelected', bIsAvailableSensorSelected) }

Before implementig all this, you need to have your local data model created, I do it during onInit like this:

var oView = this.getView()<br> if (!oView.getModel('localSensorsDataModel')) {<br> var olocalSensorsDataModel = new JSONModel(<br>{ aSensors: [],<br> IsAvailableSensorSelected: false, })<br><br>oView.setModel(olocalSensorsDataModel, 'localSensorsDataModel')<br> }

Thanks for the solution!


PS: Using the "code" option for pasting some source code is nightmare.....