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Trial : There is no SAP Cloud Connector (SCC) connected to your subaccount

Former Member

Hello, I am fighting with the following problem :

Situation :

- trial SAP Cloud, ASP.Net Core web app hosted in SAP Cloud

- web service on our server

- Cloud Connector configured on our server, shows that it is connected to the subaccount

However :

- SAP Cloud Cockpit does not show any connectors for the account

- when trying to acces an URL that should be exposed per the connector, I am getting following error : There is no SAP Cloud Connector (SCC) connected to your subaccount. Requested opening of a tunnel for subaccount "********-****-****-****-************" and default SCC location ID, that is, empty string or simply not configured. Check the configuration on SCC and cloud side.

The SAP Cloud Platform Connectivity document (page 261) also mentions that the for the cloud foundry hosting - in the Cloud Connector the subaccount should be registered per its UID (not per pxxxxxxtrial) and email, however this is not possible - it accepts only pxxxxtrial as subaccount and Pxxxx as subaccount user.

What am I missing ? Screenshots attached. Many thanks.

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I have the same problem, did you find a solution?