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There is version 16 for the web edition sql anywhere?

Former Member

There is version 16 for the web edition sql anywhere?

If there is, where can I find the download?

I'm currently using the web edition sql anywhere 12 and would like to migrate to version 16.

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Alexandre's question raises an interesting point.

These kind of "special editions" do have a tendency to appear and disappear, which doesn't encourage people to make business decisions that rely on them. Perhaps when something like this is launched in future there should be some kind of statement regarding minimum life expectancy. Of course absolute guarantees are not possible - companies change, get taken over etc - but statements of intent are helpful.


It would also be of help to tell why a particular special edition is discontinued. Currently, we only do know that is has been discontinued in V16 (and even that has been omitted from the "What's New" section, IIRC).

I'm aware that it is no easy task to tell reasons publically - however, "no known reason" is not that encouraging, either.

Former Member

The web edition was introduced in SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 to encourage web developers, especially start-ups, to use SQL Anywhere. Although the database server was free (with some restrictions), we expected that some developers would need to purchase the non-free options (such as high availability) as their business grew. This turned out not to be the case. The company made a business decision to discontinue it.

I would encourage you to check out the SQL Anywhere on-demand edition as a possible alternative.


@Eric: Thanks for the clarification. So the legendary out-of-the-box performance/reliability of SQL Anywhere is too good to require further non-free add-ons? - Good for customers, bad for sales...

0 Kudos

No, unfortunately the Web Edition is no longer available in SQL Anywhere 16. See the answer to this question.

If you are interested in purchasing a full SQL Anywhere 16 license, see the SAP store - it's currently offered on sale until the end of 2013.