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The SQL scripts DLL cannot be loaded

0 Kudos

When receiving the error message "The SQL scripts DLL cannot be loaded", which component should I look for? Any idea how to identify what might be really missing?

0 Kudos

At least I know now that it is a server issue and not the client side which is missing something

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Former Member

The error is generated when the server tries to load the dbscriptxx.dll, where xx is the SQL Anywhere (major) version number.

The script DLL is versioned; the DLL contains the major and minor version number along with the build number. The build number is ignored (at the moment) during verification, but if the minor version number does not match - for example you're using an 11.0.1 server with an 11.0.0 dbscript11.dll, then you'll get this error.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member

On Windows the script dll is dbscript11.dll while on UNIX it is Substitute 12 for 11 if you are using SA 12. If the script dll exists on your system, then the server is probably complaining about the dll being out of date or the wrong version.


I had the same problem with SA 16. dbscript16.dll was in the path. my fix - rebooted the server and I was able to unload the DB.