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The SQL Anywhere PHP Module - Unable to remotely login

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I have downloaded and installed the SA PHP Module, and according to phpinfo() so everything seems to work fine. It tells me that I am using PHP SQLAnywhere driver version and SQLAnywhere client version '/usr/bin/php -v' tells me "PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu2" and the version of the SA PHP Module is 5.3.5. I know that it should be the same version as php, but I couldn´t find it and are not sure about how to compile the module by myself. I made a db.php which will try to make a connection with sasql_connect() but it fails on the login. It says: Warning: sasql_connect() [function.sasql-connect]: SQLAnywhere: [-103] Invalid user ID or password in /var/www/bas/wwwroot/db.php on line 7 Connection failed

I know that both the username and password is correct, because I can use it through ODBC and with Sybase Central application. Do I have to enable some login method or other stuff to get the login work with the PHP module or do anyone of you find anything other that I make wrong? Do I need to specify the port that my database runs on? (49161) and what is the statement for that?

My db.php does look like this (except for the uid/pwd): <?php $conn = sasql_connect("HOST=,DBN=office,UID=censure;PWD=censure"); if (!$conn) { echo "Connection failedn"; } else { echo "Connected successfullyn"; sasql_close($conn); } ?>

Thanks in advance! Best regards, Henrik

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