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The SAP Support Portal does not show any SQL Anywhere downloads anymore

0 Kudos

Due to the fact that there is no more general "EBF notification" (besides the DBISQL "Update Checker", which is not too reliable IMHO, as discussed here), I have get accustomed to go to the SAP Support Portal and search for SQL Anywhere downloads myself, usually twice or three times a week.

So I choose "Download Software" in the Portal start page and then enter (or select) "SQL Anywhere 12", "SQL Anywhere 16" in the search field and start the search. Until least week, all GAs and EBFs/SPs were shown as expected.

The UI to do so has changed several times in the few weeks, I think, and today it seems a little bit different again, but now it does not offer me one single downloads anymore:

The SAP Support Portal does not show any SQL Anywhere downloads anymore

I have tried several times and with different browsers but the result stays the same - no downloads for any SQL Anywhere version. That's no good.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hm, in constrast to Martin's usage of ( I seem to use the newer SAP Launchpad portal - cf. the image within the question -, and a further attempt with entering "SQL Anywhere 17" in the search field did not succeed, either (although I checked that the according support contract is still alive...).

However, then I used a different route to search products via "By Alphabetical Index (A-Z)" -> "S" -> "Sybase SQL Anywhere", and then I could choose the desired versions.

Now, entering "SQL Anywhere 17" in the search field works, too, as expected.

(All attempts were done with the same SAP Passport client certificate, so I can exclude login problems. Strange.)

Answers (1)

Answers (1)


For me patches for Version 16 and Version 17 are still accessible.

0 Kudos

Same for me (after fumbling a bit with the new interface)