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The field can not be summerized

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I am trying to calculate the average of a formula but it is giving me an error that the field can not be summerized how can I get this to work.


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Active Contributor
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Hi Hawazin,

If the formula uses Summary functions or Print Time functions, you cannot use the 'Insert Summary' option to create an Average.

You'd need a manual calculation formula that looks something like this:

EvaluateAfter({@Formula you need to average})

shared numbervar avg;

shared numbervar cnt := cnt + 1;

avg := avg + {@Formula you need to average};

Place this on the same section as the other formula.

Next, create a formula to display the average and place this on the footer:

shared numbervar avg;

shared numbervar cnt;



Former Member
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I am plotting this formula into a chart , the formula that I need to count the average of it.

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It is giving me an error " dividing by zero"

for the formula that display the average.

Active Contributor
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Change the display formula to:

shared numbervar avg;

shared numbervar cnt;

if cnt = 0 then 0 else



Former Member
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Thank you Abhilash it is not giving me the zero error any more.

it does give the average when I place the formula in the footer section, but if I try to plot it, it only shows zeros.

see attached picture

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