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Test Drive Web AS 620

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Hello together,

I?ve installed the WebAS 620 Demo on WinXP and everything worked fine. But during a new-installation (because of some mistakes) there is an abort on 36%. The messages are:


INFO 2004-02-07 09:30:13

    Starting VSERVER

18638 ERROR: XSERVER has stopped unexpectedly, (view 'Application Event Log')

ERROR 2004-02-07 09:30:14 ADAXSERVER_NT_ADA ExecuteCheck:0

    Exit code from C:sapdbprograms inx_server.exe: 254.

ERROR 2004-02-07 09:30:14 ADAXSERVER_NT_ADA InternalInstallationDo:0

    Phase failed.

ERROR 2004-02-07 09:30:14 ADAXSERVER_NT_ADA InstallationDo:0

    Phase failed.

ERROR 2004-02-07 09:30:15 Main

    Installation aborted.


The problem seems to be on the xserver. If I start the serv.exe there are the following messages: (serv.exe -D 😎


19705 INFO: Loading default TCPIP-DLL, ( 'sqltcp.dll')

19707 INFO: WINSOCK: 2.0, SQLTCP-DLL: 7.3.1

19751 INFO: XSERVER started, 'NT/INTEL  7.3.0 Build 028-000-087-417'

19722 INFO: Service port is 7210

19722 INFO: Service port is 7200

19725 INFO: Listening on socket 2500544

19726 INFO: Accepting ...

18353 ERROR: EXCEPTION:0xc00000fd Addr:0x1001afd7

19747 INFO: XSERVER aborting,

   (view diagnostic file: 'C:sapdbdatawrkxserver.prt')

19752 INFO: XSERVER stopped, 'NT/INTEL  7.3.0 Build 028-000-087-417'


Has anyone an idea?

Thanks in advance


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Answers (3)

Former Member
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Hi Joerg,

were you able to find the solution for this? I'm running into the same problem.

I tried everything, removed the c:\sapdb dir, local settings temp files, deleted xserver and sap dbtech service, cleaned out the registry, made sure my machine uses the loopback adapter with all the correct settings. And still I'm getting the problem.

I hope you might have a tip for me what else I can try.


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Where did you get V6.20 of the Test Drive WAS? The version I got with the ABAP Objects books was 6.10...

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Hai Jeorg,

If you have got test drive WAS 6.20 form sap shop then i hope the installation is very simple all you have to do is to insert the cd into cd drive and wait for the browser to open and follow the instructions. I think its very simple because i have done this and its running fine.




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Hello sathish,

I ve got the WAS 6.20 testdrive version from the SAP Booklet and ran into the problem as below

Info: EXTRACTSAPEXEDBDATA1 SyCoprocessCreate 2 816

Creating coprocess SAPCAR ...

Info: EXTRACTSAPEXEDBDATA1 SyCoprocessCreate 2 816

Creating coprocess SAPCAR ...

Warning: EXTRACTSAPEXEDBDATA1 InternalInstallationDo 2 816

SAPCAR returns with error 4.

Error: EXTRACTSAPEXEDBDATA1 InstallationDo 2 816

Phase failed.

Error: Main {} 2 816

Installation aborted.

I just inserted the CD into the drive, SAP DB was installed with no problem, and when it came for the data load the problem occured.

I expected a pop up window telling me to insert Data 1 CD but negative, at the beginning the Instgui just wanted to know where the kernel CD to be found and where to place the SAPDB. There was nothing to say about the data CD's. I copied the kernel CD on hard disk, mounted the Data CD without any luck.

Is it really just inserting CD and that's it?

Thanks for Help


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Hello Uwe,

So you have Test Drive Web AS 6.20 that means you should be having 3 CD's for installation (I got Test Drive Web AS 6.20 from sap shop) Kernel CD, Data Cd and another cd named GUI and Documention. Actually the cd named GUI And Documention is data cd 2 you have gui and documention inside the kernel cd. To be on the safer side have clean Windows XP Sp1 installation.

Steps I followed to have 100% Installation(I had my Windows XP SP1 installation and Test Drive Web AS 6.20 installation on the same drive).

Step 1 : Insert your Kernel CD, browser will open with the information page.

Step 2 : Setup you system as requsted in the requirments(I Mean Loopback adapter, Changing the hostname if using XP check for the note in the requirment section).

Step 3 : Now find out the setup file, You find a link to run setup in the information page the setup.

Setup 4 : Select the destination drive in the Installation gui window (YOU WILL NOT GET A POPUP) look for the drop downbox or textbox in the installation gui window.

Step 5 : Now click next, you will be asked for data cd. now eject the kernel cd , insert data cd and select drive 😧 In the drop down box in installation gui, and click next you will be asked for data cd again now eject the cd and insert the cd named GUI And Documention that is actually the second data cd and and select drive 😧 In the drop down box in installation gui click next you will be asked for the Kernel cd, eject the data cd Insert the kernel cd and select drive 😧 In the drop down box in installation gui window click next THAT'S HOW I GOT 100% INSTALLATION.

Happy Installation.



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dear all,

I have find similar problems during WAS 6.20 install on Xp sp2 and 1:

start installation Th, Oct 28, 2004 at 09:54:54

operating system: MSWin32

callers working directory: C:\DOCUME1\miranda\LOCALS1\Temp\BSPinst

start package for release independent database software


compareReleases(): file "C:/sapdb/programs/bin/x_server.exe" not found

installation exited abnormally at Th, Oct 28, 2004 at 09:54:55

ERROR 2004-10-28 09:54:55 SAPDBINSTALL_IND_ADA ExecuteCheck:0

Exit code from D:\sapdb\NT\I386\sdbinst.exe: 1.

ERROR 2004-10-28 09:54:55 SAPDBINSTALL_IND_ADA InternalInstallationDo:0

Phase failed.

ERROR 2004-10-28 09:54:55 SAPDBINSTALL_IND_ADA InstallationDo:0

Phase failed.

ERROR 2004-10-28 09:54:56 Main

Installation aborted.

There was a problem during install.

Try to solve the problem and restart the setup with this batch.

Press any key to continue . . .

Please help



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Satish and folks

This is Pat . even i encountered exactly the same kind of problem. were you successful in resolving the issue ?

if so can you help me out plzz?

can anyone let me know about the info on network configuration and loop back adpater settings ?


Setting Users for Single DB landscape

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 75

Stopping the SAP DB Instance

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 247

Stopping the SAP DB remote server

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1195

Installing SAP DB Software

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1195

Installing SAP DB Software

Info: SAPDBINSTALL_IND_ADA SyCoprocessCreate 2 1195

Creating coprocess E:\sapdb\NT\I386\sdbinst.exe ...

Info: SAPDBINSTALL_IND_ADA ExecuteDo 2 1195

RC code form SyCoprocessWait = 2 .

Error: SAPDBINSTALL_IND_ADA ExecuteCheck 2 1195

Exit code from E:\sapdb\NT\I386\sdbinst.exe: 2.

Error: SAPDBINSTALL_IND_ADA InternalInstallationDo 2 1195

Phase failed.

Error: SAPDBINSTALL_IND_ADA InstallationDo 2 1195

Phase failed.

Error: Main {} 2 1195

Installation aborted.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Run the following in the command prompt.

x_server stop

restart the installation.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ananda

Thanks for the posting

was able to proceed a bit further but was stuck this time at 85 % with the following error.

any help would be greatly appreciated


The installation phase is starting now. Please look in the log file for further information about current actions.

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 333

Requesting Installation Details

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 99

Defining Key Values

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 58

Requesting Setup Details

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 333

Requesting Installation Details

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1206

Setting Users for Single DB landscape

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 75

Stopping the SAP DB Instance

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 247

Stopping the SAP DB remote server

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1195

Installing SAP DB Software

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1195

Installing SAP DB Software

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 120

Extracting SAP DB Tools Software

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 816

Extracting the Database-Dependent SAP system Executables

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 242

Starting VSERVER

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 816

Extracting the Database-Dependent SAP system Executables

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 816

Extracting the Database-Dependent SAP system Executables

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 815

Extracting the SAP Executables

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 223

Setting new Rundirectory.

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1


Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 10

Performing Service BCHECK

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 263

Creating XUSER File for the User <SAPSID>ADM for Dialog Instance

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 263

Creating XUSER File for the User <SAPSID>ADM for Dialog Instance

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 263

Creating XUSER File for the User <SAPSID>ADM for Dialog Instance

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 760

Creating the Default Profile

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1267

Modifying or Creating the TPPARAM File

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1111

Creating the Service Entry for the Dispatcher

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1122

Creating the Service Entry for the Message Server

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1114

Creating the Service Entry for the Gateway Service

Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1


Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 1


Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 54

Starting SAP DB to Mode WARM

Error: SAPDBGETWARM_NT_ADA InstallationDo 2 54

Phase failed.

Error: Main {} 2 54

Installation aborted.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Is this a deja vu or did I answer this before (together with others)?

And BTW: are ayou sure talking about 6.20?

