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Temp table #tempsum has changed since last used.

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I have a proc that is dynamically creating the columns of a report, based upon the number of terms that fall within my reporting period. So perhaps I run it one time and get a student number followed by 8 thems. Then run it again with another range and get student numbers followed by 10 terms.

#tempsum is created and poplulated by looping through student terms and creating #tempsum by 'Select ...into #tempsum. (I found this great way to pivot a table on this forum, a long time ago!) It runs fine the first time, but when I run it again, I get "Temp table #tempsum has changed since last used." (sqlcode 1397). This would be true if I use a different timeframe. But I thought the table would completely drop at the end of the procedure, each time I run it. I even tried to add 'drop table if exists #tempsum;' at the beginning of the proc. Any ideas how to tackle this error? Here is the looping section of the proc.

  drop table if exists #tempsum;
  set @sql = 'Select distinct tstudnum as ''Student'', tname as ''Name'', tclass as ''Class'','|| 
    'tperioddesc as ''Period'', tplanshort as ''PayPlan'','|| 
    'tbalance as ''Balance'', tperbalance as ''PeriodBalance'', tlastpay as ''LastCashTrans''';
  /* now loop through the term hours and add on to the sql statement for all terms.  */
  /* If you view the results of the 'message' you see the outcome!                  */
  for f_fetch
  as c_fetch no scroll cursor for
    select distinct tterm ,tinternalterm
     from tempbundle 
    order by tinternalterm
    for read only
    set @sql = trim(@sql)||',sum(( if tterm='''||trim(tterm)||''' then 1 else 0 endif) * coalesce(thours,0)) as "'||trim(tterm)||'"'; 
  end for;
  set @sql =  trim(@sql)||' into #tempsum from tempbundle group by student,name,class,payplan,Period,balance,periodbalance,lastcashtrans;'; 
  execute immediate @sql;

  select distinct  * from #tempsum order by payplan,period,student;

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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

A wise co-worker has found a solution. Apparently, it's the final "select" that's causing the error: select distinct * from #tempsum order by payplan,period,student;

By changing this to: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE WITH RESULT SET ON 'select distinct * from #tempsum order by payplan,period,student';

it fixes the issue. I can run the proc any number of times with different academic calendar ranges. So I'm happy, although it bugs me that I don't know why this fixes the issue! I still would think the #tempsum table would drop at the completion of the procedure.


See my last comment above, I guess the cited answer will help.

Well, very interesting. Thanks for referring to the previous post. I had looked of course but didn't find that one.
AS always, I appreciate the answers and hints here!