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system crashes on clicking bc->bsp->sap node in SICF

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Hi all

I was trying to change the logon settings for a BSP application. when i clicked the bc->bsp->sap node in the transaction SICF, the system crashed with a exeception

a popup window displays

[Sapfewdbg Exception

Exception #1 has occured and dumped to this file:

C:\documents and settings\myname\SapWorkDir\FrontExceptions_2192_4020.trc

press ok to prepare an email with all important information]

Is this a bug or else some configuration problem?

how to rectify this or else any other way to change logon settings for a BSP application?

Thanks in advance


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check this OSS note no. 811641



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thanks for ur reply. i checked the oss note and downloaded the latest patch level 20. the note which has the instructions for installing patches for SAP Frontend says to just click the exe file to install in standalone applications. when i tried to execute it, it asks to choose a program and i selected the sapgui for windows but nothing happens afterward.

can you please help me regarding this? am i missing any intermediate procedure?


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thanks raja

i was able to install the latest patch and it solved the problem

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We encounterd the same problem. In the FrontExceptions trc file the first few line were: sapfewdbg version= 6405.5.22.55

09:59:46 28.02.2007

A Win32 exception has been caught:

ExceptionCode= 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) (unhandled)

Problem at our end was solved by re-insatalling Microsoft MDAC 2.8 SP1

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