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System Busy

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I have been using Xcelsius for many years now, since Business Objects was an independent company. There is a recurrent problem occurring at that time, still ocurring today in Engage 2008. Many times I get the following message:

"This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy.Choose "Switch to" to activate the busy program and correct the problem".

It goes without saying that it does nor correct the problem, not years ago, not now. I need to click several times before it disappears, however sometimes it is becessary to close down the program.

Has someone figured out how to solve this, which neither BO nor SAP have been able to solve?


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Former Member
0 Kudos


Dont try to open Another Excel file if u have opened Xcelsius 2008

If that Problem Occurs

Go to Task Manager Go to Process Tab-Xcelsius.exe and Excel.exe , end the Process ,Restart your Xcelsius Again.

Thank u


0 Kudos

Hello Naveen!

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Indeed, when there is another excel sheet open, the message pops up more often than not. However, that is not always the case and the message window appears anyway. What you propose is more or less what I have been doing for many years now but it is a work around measure which should not be necessary.

This is an Xcelsius bug dating for many years now, perhaps the oldest bug, (and there are a few) which SAP has not fixed, most likely because they don't know how. What I would like to know is, whether anyone knows how to get rid of the message window without having to close Xcelsius.
