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Sybase Replication Switch Over

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0 Kudos

Dear Sybase Experts...

I was able to configure replication environment below is out put of SAP_status path , it gives me feeling replication is working fine ,

1> sap_status path
2> go
1> sap_status path
Path                  Name          Value                    Info

--------------------- ------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------

                      Start Time    2014-02-03 11:29:45.129  Time command started executing.

                      Elapsed Time  00:00:04                Command execution time.

sybpr1                Hostname      sap-dr-pr1              Logical host name.

sybpr1                HADR Status  Primary : Active        Identify the primary and standby sites.

sybdr2                Hostname      SAP-DR-RP                Logical host name.

sybdr2                HADR Status  Standby : Inactive      Identify the primary and standby sites.

sybdr2.sybpr1.TSN    State        Suspended                Path is suspended. Transactions are not being replicated.

sybdr2.sybpr1.TSN    Latency      Unknown                  No latency information for database 'TSN'.

sybdr2.sybpr1.TSN    Commit Time  Unknown                  No last commit time for the database 'TSN'.

sybdr2.sybpr1.master  State        Suspended                Path is suspended. Transactions are not being replicated.

sybdr2.sybpr1.master  Latency      Unknown                  No latency information for database 'master'.

sybdr2.sybpr1.master  Commit Time  Unknown                  No last commit time for the database 'master'.

sybpr1.sybdr2.TSN    State        Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.

sybpr1.sybdr2.TSN    Latency      Unknown                  No latency information for database 'TSN'.

sybpr1.sybdr2.TSN    Commit Time  2014-02-03 11:29:33.220  Time last commit replicated

sybpr1.sybdr2.master  State        Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.

sybpr1.sybdr2.master  Latency      Unknown                  No latency information for database 'master'.

sybpr1.sybdr2.master  Commit Time  2014-02-02 10:54:11.034  Time last commit replicated


I have no idea how to do switch over as matter of Fact SAP guide or any docuement doesn't mention this anywhere ...

I have given a try by installing ASCS instance on secondary node  and  during PAS installation it stop at start instance phase with saplikey error.... and when I had check R3trans below is output

PS C:\Users\tsnadm> R3trans.exe -x
This is E:\usr\sap\TSN\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3trans.exe version 6.24 (release 740 - 19.03.13 - 20:13:03 ).
unicode enabled version
sizeof(Selection_t) = 272
2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = SYBASE --- "
E:\usr\sap\TSN\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3trans.exe finished (0012).
PS C:\Users\tsnadm> R3trans.exe -x
This is E:\usr\sap\TSN\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3trans.exe version 6.24 (release 740 - 19.03.13 - 20:13:03 ).
unicode enabled version
sizeof(Selection_t) = 272
2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = SYBASE --- "
E:\usr\sap\TSN\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3trans.exe finished (0012).
PS C:\Users\tsnadm>

Attached Trans.log

further when I try to bring database TSN online  it gives error as below

2> go
1> online database TSN
Unable to obtain exclusive access to database 'TSN'.

any documents , reference or link is highly  appreciated


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Mark..

I will post same question there.... but still I would appreciate any method on doing failover of Sybase ASE database from primary to secondary

Even I have raised incident with SAP , let see how it goes


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Mark,

your statement is not correct.

SAP LT Replication Server (SLT) is an own product without any relation to Sybase. It can be used for real time replication.

Best Regards,


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Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hi Mohammed,

I am product manager for SRS.  Can you please send me an email with your contact?  I'd like to find out how to best provide help to you?

My email address is


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mohammed,

In Business Suite on ASE, there is a Sybase tool used by the SAP tooling for setting up and administering replication.  That tool is called DR Agent - and is whose "sap_status path" output you are sharing in this thread.

Overview of the solution can be seen here:

While the DR Agent will participate in the replication failover processing, it is the SAP toolset that invokes it, and also manipulate the SAP environment to fail-over the SAP application as well.

I'll try to find correct link to that detailed information.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mohammed,

Please see SAP note 1868514 that describes using SAP tool saphostctrl to perform the failover.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Stephen,

Thanks for note : 1868514 - SYB: SAP Sybase ASE and Replication Server: rolling upgrade

...I will refer note and try to do fail over as mentioned but note seems to more on doing upgrade on RS and DR Agent. rather switch over

