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sybase 17 db how to repair error validating table in sybase central

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We have a Sybase 17 DB with maybe corrupt rows in a table.

When we try to validat the table with sybase central we get an error that the java.sql.Sqlexection [SAP][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere] Verbindung wurde beendet.    ( connection was terminatet )

We read that the dbcc command can be used to repair the table but we didn't find out how to start the command.

Thank you for you help


A attachment the output of the console


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

As you can see in the Application Event log, the database has a checksum error on a page. This means that the page as written is not equal to the page that has been read based on the checksum.  Do you have a backup and recovery strategy for this database? 

0 Kudos
yes we have a backup but when we recover the database we get the same error. Is it possible to repair the database?