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Sybase 12 closes unexpectedly

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Hello everyone. I am a hardware tech not a Sybase admin or programmer and am troubleshooting a customer's network Their main practice management app is running on Sybase 12 on a Server 2008r2 server with 20gb RAM. Occassionally the Sybase closes with this event logged: "The SQL Anywhere - dv service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 4 times." We have to open Sybase Central and restart the service and it is ok for a time period. It was about every 2 weeks but it has terminated 4 times in 48 hours.

I checked the crash log and it reads:

FILENAME=C:\\ProgramData\\SQL Anywhere 12\\diagnostics\\SA12_20190301_103539_4016.crash_log
OS=Windows 2008R2 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
EXEC_PATH=C:\\Program Files\\SQL Anywhere 12\\Bin64\\dbsrv12.exe
MODULE_PATH=C:\\Program Files\\SQL Anywhere 12\\Bin64\\dbserv12.dll
TRYING_TO_SAVE_MINI_DUMP C:\\ProgramData\\SQL Anywhere 12\\diagnostics\\SA12_20190301_103539_4016.dmp

The db file is 2.8gb, is that an OK size?

I cannot find any other logs. The Software support reps say it is an environmental issue. the staff say they do nothing unusual and nothing they have always done. I am looking for tips and suggestions to find out what is going on or relay to the software support.

Thanks in advance

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There's nothing here that would suggest an environmental issue. It could be a bug or it could possibly be some file corruption. There could be some information in the console log if you are saving that with the -o switch.

However, version 12 is long out of support. Version 16 is also out of support (there were no versions 13-15). Latest release is 17.0.9 -- you could try using that.

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John S, I would gladly use the -o switch, not sure where or how. Please remember I am a hardware tech trying to help a customer. Also updating to ver 17 is a cost to the customer that I have not addressed with the customer. It that is the answer, meaning that will fix the issue, then I will get right on it. Thank you

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C:\\Program Files\\SQL Anywhere 12\\Bin64\\dbsrv12.exe -hvSQLANYs_dv

0 Kudos

I'll assume that you found that command line in the registry, right? Since you are already in the registry, you can change the command line parameters there. For services, the command line parameters are stored in a different key called 'Parameters'. I think this would be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\<servicename>\\Parameters. You can add "-o filename" to the parameters and specify a full path to a local file. You will need to restart the service for the changes to take effect.

With no knowledge of what problem v12 is encountering, I cannot tell you if the problem is fixed in v17. I also don't know if you have the most recent v12 for that matter. In the end, though, there are no more fixes coming for v12.

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Well, was an early 12.0.1 build, so way before the latest EBF ( or the like)?

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I told the Software support rep we need a database check and he ran a validation and the db would not pass. He found data issues in many tables and he recovered and rebuilt. He said, "Now we have to wait and see." So we are waiting and seeing. If it still occurs we will move the db to a different server. I sure hope it works now. The one thing I don't understand is that with the help of John S I knew to tell them to check for data corruption. Wonder why I had to tell them that?