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Sybase 12 and 16 parallel

Former Member


I've tried to create a Sybase 16 deploypackage for our product. I've used the "DeploymentWizard.exe" to create an msi-package for all client (ADO.NET) dependencies.

Now i have the problem, that if i install my package on a server, which already has a full sybase 12 installation (server), my msi-package remove the sybase 12 version from the computer.

Maybe some one has an idea...

Good evening!

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my msi-package remove the sybase 12 version

That's not expected behaviour IMHO, at least not for MSI files generated with the v11 and v12 Deployment Wizard.

You should check whether your new MSI file has inappropriate values for ProductCode and/or UpgradeCode. The Microsoft ORCA tool might be of help here.

The docs list the according ProductCode values:

You might look at that FAQ which discusses the role of the "ProductCode" within MSI files:

Please publish requirements for installs to be able to have EBFs applied

Former Member
0 Kudos

Maybe the problem is, that i have tested the msi-package on our development server, which has an sybase developer version installed. I will chech this...

0 Kudos

I don't think the type of license (here: a developer edition) would have an influence here.