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Support Pack stopped at MAIN_NEWBAS/STARTSAP_NBAS

Former Member
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Hi everyone

Wile applying SP on Netweaver 7.41 on AIX/Oracle, the process stopped at step 5.6 - Execution - MAIN_NEWBAS/STARTSAP_NBAS. I found that the shadow instance did not start and the dev trace contains:

M Tue May 13 11:56:32 2014

M  ThInit: running on host axdapsapsid

M  calling db_connect ...

B  Loading DB library '/usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS32/exe/dboraslib.o' ...

B  Library '/usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS32/exe/dboraslib.o' loaded

B  Version of '/usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS32/exe/dboraslib.o' is "721.02", patchlevel (0.138)

B  con_info_ext_support(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol

B    ==> connect info for default DB will be read from ssfs

N  RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_datapath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH [rsecssfs.c 4384]

N  RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_keypath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH [rsecssfs.c 4393]

N  RSecSSFs: Reverting overwriting of profile by different environment (disabled in dw) [rsecssfs.c 4403]

B  *** ERROR => read_ssfs_record(): RSecSSFsGetRecord(DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER)=1 : Data file "/usr/sap/$SAPSYSTEMNAME/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_SID.DAT" cannot be opened for read

[dbcon.c      5096]

B  *** ERROR => Connect to R/3 failed. USERID and/or PASSWD could not be retrieved from SSFS

[dbcon.c      4161]

M  ***LOG R19=> ThInit, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c   1521]

M  in_ThErrHandle: 1

M  *** ERROR => ThInit: db_connect (step 1, th_errno 13, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c   11445]

The file is not corruted and I can read its content

sidadm 85> ./rsecssfx list


| Record Key                     | Status             | Timestamp of last Update  |


| DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_PASSWORD | Encrypted          | 2014-05-13  13:09:44  UTC |

| DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER     | Plaintext          | 2014-05-13  13:09:22  UTC |

| DB_CONNECT/SHADOW_DB_PASSWORD  | Encrypted          | 2014-05-13  13:11:05  UTC |

| DB_CONNECT/SHADOW_DB_USER      | Plaintext          | 2014-05-13  13:10:57  UTC |


did anyone see thsi issue before?

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Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Problem solved by updating dbsl library and restarting the instance.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Nader,

Please follow SCN thread

and document



Former Member
0 Kudos


Thanks for the reply. The problem is not setting up SSFS; it was working fine. The issue is that it is giving an error after the kernel upgrade.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Nader ,

Check the environment variable RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH  and profile parameter rsec/ssfs_datapath

and also environment variable RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH and profile parameter rsec/ssfs_keypath

check the kernel patch level of the oracle and check the sapnote

1745266 - RSecSSFs: Restriction of configuration options in kernel

With Regards

Ashutosh Chaturvedi

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Ashutosh

The environment and profile parameters are correct. This was fully functional before the support packs in kernel 720. Now I am at kernel 721, and this is the patch level. Unfortunately, the link in OSS note 1745266 in not working.

rsecssfx -v

RSecSSFx information

kernel release                721

kernel make variant           721_EXT_REL

DBMS client library

compiled on                   AIX 1 6 00C027A54C00 for rs6000_64

compiled for                  64 BIT

compilation mode              UNICODE

compile time                  Dec  4 2013 12:04:39

update level                  0

patch number                  0

source id                     0.201

I aslo updated the dbsl liberary lib_dbsl_224-10011319.sar, but still have the same error

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Nader ,

Check the below thread

RSecSSFs: Restriction of configuration options in kernel

Is it possible for you to replace the current kernel with the older one , which you were having before

With Regards

Ashutosh Chaturvedi