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as a beginning workflow-consultant, I'm struggling with some issues concerning the substitution profile.

I search on sdn, and found this explanation :

You assign a dialog task to a task classification. 
(see the menu options in txn PFTC)
Only one task classification can be assigned to a task. 
You assign groups of task classifications to a substitution profile. 
Tables for the above are T77TC, T77PR, T77RO - all maintained through transaction SM30.
A substitution profile can then be assigned to a recipient/substitute relationship. 

I know how to create task groups, but don 't see how I can create the substitution profile and link the task groups to this profile.

ANyone out there who can point me in the right direction ?

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Björn Demol

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Hi Mike,

thanks for the answer. I'll have a look at it

But can you tell me what you mean by all workflows ? Do we have to do this setup for each workflow, even when we do not want to delegate it for substitution ?

Is there another way to take care of the substitution ?

thanks in advance !

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Yes if you want to use it properly you need to use classifications for all dialog tasks in your workflows and route everything by org objects.

Well, theoretically you could run a mixed environment, but for starters you'll confuse your users: They will have to maintain multiple profile-based subs as well as a personal sub. With profiles it's at least sensible to them what it's about (e.g. operational vs disciplinary), but when you use both you will have to give them a list of tasks not included in classifications but are routed according to the "Personal Substitute" they see in the dialog box... can you see their eyes glazing over?

Aside from that it's just asking for trouble. e.g. Send a task to a userid, then escalate it via the org structure. Oops, must remember to convert from position back to userid otherwise we're using profiles in one step where the previous task didn't.

Unless your company is a heavy workflow user and also fully uses HR, it's not really worth it - just use personal subs.



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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Hi Mike,

thanks for sharing the info.

Just have another question : do you know where I can get some info about the substitution ?

I'm starting to see clear, but still have some questions..

In the book 'practical workflow for SAP' , they talk for half a page about substitution and that's it

I'd like to know how the user decides for which items which profile is activated,...

Have a nice weekend everybody !

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With the book and the help you're about covered as far as info resources go.

There's not really much else to it. You set up the classifications and develop your WFs around those.

This is defined at design time and the user cannot tell which ones are which, they just see the classifications when they assign a substitute. The easiest is to just assign a couple of tasks to the existing profiles and see how they work.

Actually I need to correct my earlier statement: substitution profiles do work on personal as well as position based substitutions. I think this may have been different in earlier versions or I may have gotten confused with customers who were also looking at it specifically in an HR context, sorry about that (hey at least I admit my mistakes). However it still is more complex for the user and is one of those things I'd recommend only if you have a real need for it. It's also difficult to enforce their usage and still easy for the user to make a mistake and forget to assign a profile where they really need to.



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thanks Mike for the answer and the effort for giving the explanation !

I'll try to 'sell' your answer about personal sub to our customer and try to go for personal substitutes.

but I'm a bit afraid for the answer.. I think he wants the profiles..

thanks anyway, it was a great help..

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No prob. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against classifications and substitution profiles and would love to implement them on a project one day. They're excellent, but will take more effort and discipline in developing and maintaining workflows.

Only do it if you really have a business need where you need to delegate different tasks from one person to different people (remember that even if you get it right, it will still be more complex for the users). In practice all customers I've ever been to have found simpler ways around it or weren't big WF users or didn't use HR.

Also look on OSS: due to popular demand they've recently released a BAdI to control who you're allowed to substitute. It may address some shortcomings your client may be experiencing.



Edit: Just having substitution-related issues myself and looked up the note. It's 977069, unfortunately it can only be implemented via support package upgrade.

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Mike Pokraka

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0 Kudos

Hi Björn,

The task classifications are maintained in customising. Look around in SPRO -> Web Application Server -> Business Management -> Workflow -> Basic settings (may differ depending on version).

Classification must be maintained for each task under Additional Data -> Classification. As far as I know you cannot maintain it for Task Groups (at least up to 620).

This is by no means a small undertaking, as it is an all-or-nothing approach meaning ALL workflows and tasks have to be maintained according to the rules and routing has to be via HR, not by userid. As such I don't know of many sites that actually use it. I've looked into it a few times but the client was never prepared to make the commitment to invest the extra effort as it wasn't worthwhile.

Hope that helps,
