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String truncation in iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere v16

Former Member

I've just upgraded to SQL Anywhere v16 using ADO.NET. Now, when loading a set of records with a long nvarchar column in, some of the strings are truncated to 65535 in length when retrieved in my .NET app. This is a definite bug in the iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere DLL because if I revert to using v12, this problem goes away.

To reproduce, just create a table with a long nvarchar column. Populate some rows (at least 6) with data longer than 65535. Then, using ADO.NET, use an SACommand and SADataReader to retrieve the long varchar column and inspect the length of each.

Thanks Simon

Former Member
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This sounds similar to the issues reported in this question...

Could someone tell me if this is the official channel for reporting issues with Sybase?


You have different options, this forum is read by sybase persons and they might take your observation to fix a bug. Or you can use to submit a bug, if you are not interested in a guaranteed response time, otherwise you can check for the proper way to contact technical support.

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UPDATE: This issue is now resolved in CR #742857, in builds,,

I have now been able to reproduce this issue and have opened CR #742857 to address this problem in a future EBF of SQL Anywhere. Thank you for the bug report.

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